

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Paper Recycling

When I go to anime conventions, I inevitably end up bring home a couple dozen business cards of artists that I want to look up.
And some of them have really amazing business cards. To the point where I actually made a collage with a collection of them.
I don't want to dump them in recycling. But I don't want to have a giant wad of random business cards floating around.

I did end up recycling most of them a few times.
And then this last year, after Fanime, I had an idea.
I could cut out the pictures and patterns that I liked and paste them onto cards and gifts. I currently have a pen pal in the Czech Republic, so her cards are decorated with bits of cut-up business cards.
And when it was my cousin's birthday, I thought, "Ah! I can send him a card to use the skull and robot designs!"
I've been having too much fun with it, I think. Especially on ones for my parents.
I have some old printouts I made of pictures from the internet, so I can use those too. Also old cards, and cool pictures I saved from the newspaper a long time ago.
My aunt often uses pictures from calendars to wrap gifts. Her gift wrapping is like an art form itself.

So, if ever you have random scraps of paper floating about that are pretty but not-needed, try to think of some creative way to send them along.

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