Remember I mentioned my character development sheet that's more than ten pages long?
I filled it out for Ashlyn.
Since I've been stalling on starting a new story project, I've been working on some side projects. Like the character development for Ashlyn.
I would like to fill this out for all of the characters in Katani and Ashlyn's stories, but they take so long to do... I probably should do a few more though. For some of the other main characters, at least. Or my favorite characters.
Another thing I've been doing is working on the guides to my two worlds, Magic-Earth and Soreina. I've still got a long way to go, but it's nice to make progress on them.
I'm still not entirely sure what I'm going to put in my Soreina guide. I think that one requires a lot of pictures, for the different creatures. I can write some of it though.
I also have a list of stories I have in mind. It's a very long list. The first part is stories that I have a pretty solid idea of. There are 17 of these.
The second part is stories that I have bits and pieces of. I have 20 of these.
And the last part are stories that I have only a vague idea of the main point. There are 28 of these.
Probably some of those will be combined, as that inevitable happens as I think about them more. "Hey! I can actually fit those two together!"
A couple might be short stories.
But I have this list all ready to peruse~
Monday, December 28, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
~Merry Christmas~
Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope you all spend a nice time with your family, or friends, or both.
And while you're probably sick of hearing about this by now, I caught 2 shiny Pokemon the day before Christmas Eve.
On my Y version, I was shiny hinting via hordes for a Nidoran M (one of 2 shinies I missed catching about 10 years ago).
And I found a shiny Starly. I wasn't sure what to call her, but we made Pumpkin pie that morning. Pumpkin didn't seem to fit, so I named her Pie.
I might keep her unevolved. She's cuter that way, and I'm not as fond of Starly's evolved forms.

I kept hunting for my Nidoran, and I finally found him! The blue bunny I missed catching back in the original Gold game.
I named him Aran (after Samus Aran, because I'd been playing Metroid Prime that day).

He's now a Nidoking, and he looks awesome.

So, 2 shinies on one day.
5 in the month.
Maybe I should keep looking for my shiny Girafarig while my streak is still going. The other one I missed 10+ years ago.
Though it seems like they're a bit too easy to find now.
Then again, 4 of those shinies were from X and Y, and I had never found a shiny in those games up to this point.
I hope you all spend a nice time with your family, or friends, or both.
And while you're probably sick of hearing about this by now, I caught 2 shiny Pokemon the day before Christmas Eve.
On my Y version, I was shiny hinting via hordes for a Nidoran M (one of 2 shinies I missed catching about 10 years ago).
And I found a shiny Starly. I wasn't sure what to call her, but we made Pumpkin pie that morning. Pumpkin didn't seem to fit, so I named her Pie.
I might keep her unevolved. She's cuter that way, and I'm not as fond of Starly's evolved forms.

I kept hunting for my Nidoran, and I finally found him! The blue bunny I missed catching back in the original Gold game.
I named him Aran (after Samus Aran, because I'd been playing Metroid Prime that day).

He's now a Nidoking, and he looks awesome.

So, 2 shinies on one day.
5 in the month.
Maybe I should keep looking for my shiny Girafarig while my streak is still going. The other one I missed 10+ years ago.
Though it seems like they're a bit too easy to find now.
Then again, 4 of those shinies were from X and Y, and I had never found a shiny in those games up to this point.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
An Actual Working Computer
I finally got my replacement computer plugged in today!
It's such a relief to be able to actually use the internet on my desk computer. My old computer had been slowly self destructing in regards to the internet.
First email and deviantart stopped working well. Then youtube started getting touchy. Some other websites wouldn't load at all, or wouldn't let me log in. And last week it wouldn't let me post on the blog anymore.
So I am finally on my new computer, typing out a blog post XD
Whoo! That means I can start to watch more stuff on the internet too (because one of the things to stop working were most anime websites. That was a long time ago).
It's such a relief to be able to actually use the internet on my desk computer. My old computer had been slowly self destructing in regards to the internet.
First email and deviantart stopped working well. Then youtube started getting touchy. Some other websites wouldn't load at all, or wouldn't let me log in. And last week it wouldn't let me post on the blog anymore.
So I am finally on my new computer, typing out a blog post XD
Whoo! That means I can start to watch more stuff on the internet too (because one of the things to stop working were most anime websites. That was a long time ago).
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Possible Start
I'm still debating about which writing project I want to get into right now.
I did start writing part of that newer story I mentioned. Hmmm... how should I refer to it to make it clearer? Star story? Unicorn story? Evva? It's not really about the star, but that's my favorite part... Heheh. Stars and unicorns. So sparkly.
Not really. It's rather darker than that.
While I know how some of the story will go, I had absolutely no idea how to start it. But while I was walking to my last creative writing class of the semester, I thought of something.
So, I've written part of a first chapter. I like how it started, and I know how the chapter will end. But the middle is kind of flailing.
Eh. Maybe when I finish the chapter, I'll be able to fill in the rest better.
It's been so long since I started a new project!
I wanted to talk about it with you guys, but I haven't seen anyone recently.
I've got to stop debating about it, and just pick something. I couldn't focus much on writing tonight because I can't settle on my next story.
I feel like this is a really dumb dilemma...
I did start writing part of that newer story I mentioned. Hmmm... how should I refer to it to make it clearer? Star story? Unicorn story? Evva? It's not really about the star, but that's my favorite part... Heheh. Stars and unicorns. So sparkly.
Not really. It's rather darker than that.
While I know how some of the story will go, I had absolutely no idea how to start it. But while I was walking to my last creative writing class of the semester, I thought of something.
So, I've written part of a first chapter. I like how it started, and I know how the chapter will end. But the middle is kind of flailing.
Eh. Maybe when I finish the chapter, I'll be able to fill in the rest better.
It's been so long since I started a new project!
I wanted to talk about it with you guys, but I haven't seen anyone recently.
I've got to stop debating about it, and just pick something. I couldn't focus much on writing tonight because I can't settle on my next story.
I feel like this is a really dumb dilemma...
Moving On
I finished going through Katani's story again. There are still a couple more ideas/culture stuff that I want to incorporate throughout, but I think I'll wait until the next read-through so I can get them in more smoothly.
As for my Ashes story, I don't think I'll work on that anymore until after I graduate (beyond any changes my advisers want to see).
Which means that I need a new writing project.
I've got 20+ story ideas, with varying degrees of development. Some I'm more enthusiastic about at the moment. There are a handful I would consider picking up as my next project.
Usually the story I've been thinking about most is the one I'm most enthusiastic about.
The problem is, that story is usually my newest idea.
Which means that a lot of my older ideas keep sitting around. They get bits and pieces added, but they don't get started.
Katani's story was one of those newer ideas. So new that it was more gap than it was story.
And the story I'm most excited about right now is the same way. It's a new story that is mostly hole.
So, my dilemma. Go with a story that I'm really into right now, but has very little development. Or go with an idea that's been around longer, and thus is more whole (still a lot of holes, but that's inevitable, with the way I write. I fill in most of it as I go).
Whatever I start, I'm sure I'll get excited about on the way.
I should probably stop myself from listing all of the stories I could potentially start...
As for my Ashes story, I don't think I'll work on that anymore until after I graduate (beyond any changes my advisers want to see).
Which means that I need a new writing project.
I've got 20+ story ideas, with varying degrees of development. Some I'm more enthusiastic about at the moment. There are a handful I would consider picking up as my next project.
Usually the story I've been thinking about most is the one I'm most enthusiastic about.
The problem is, that story is usually my newest idea.
Which means that a lot of my older ideas keep sitting around. They get bits and pieces added, but they don't get started.
Katani's story was one of those newer ideas. So new that it was more gap than it was story.
And the story I'm most excited about right now is the same way. It's a new story that is mostly hole.
So, my dilemma. Go with a story that I'm really into right now, but has very little development. Or go with an idea that's been around longer, and thus is more whole (still a lot of holes, but that's inevitable, with the way I write. I fill in most of it as I go).
Whatever I start, I'm sure I'll get excited about on the way.
I should probably stop myself from listing all of the stories I could potentially start...
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Green Ninja
I went to a job interview yesterday.
At least, I assume that's what it was? (Since I've never actually been to one before).
I've never really looked into any proper jobs, since I'm still in school. But this one was perfect for me, so I thought I'd give it a try.
I'd work with a middle school class, and help them create environmental stories.
I hope the interview went well. I think it did. She seemed really interested in my projects (my writing, and my volunteering at summer camps, ex).
I suppose it's natural to look back on these sorts of interviews and wonder if you came off as a total idiot, or if you were just fine.
I wonder how many really dumb things I do without realizing I'm doing them.
I know there have been some, that I realize in hindsight. But how many do I not even know about?
Wish me luck! It sounds like it'll be a fun job for the semester. Especially since I pretty much finished all the classes I need for my grad program.
At least, I assume that's what it was? (Since I've never actually been to one before).
I've never really looked into any proper jobs, since I'm still in school. But this one was perfect for me, so I thought I'd give it a try.
I'd work with a middle school class, and help them create environmental stories.
I hope the interview went well. I think it did. She seemed really interested in my projects (my writing, and my volunteering at summer camps, ex).
I suppose it's natural to look back on these sorts of interviews and wonder if you came off as a total idiot, or if you were just fine.
I wonder how many really dumb things I do without realizing I'm doing them.
I know there have been some, that I realize in hindsight. But how many do I not even know about?
Wish me luck! It sounds like it'll be a fun job for the semester. Especially since I pretty much finished all the classes I need for my grad program.
Monday, December 14, 2015
What is this Nonsense?
Three shiny Pokemon in one month?
How is this possible?
And to top it off, my favorite Pokemon! Who I have, of course, always wanted as a shiny.

My very own shiny Ponyta!
I named him Starlight, because there was a shiny Rapidash in my fanfic who's named Starlight.
Alpha Sapphire - I was actually wondering if I could find a shiny with the Dex Nav.
...And I did?
Now I just need a shiny Nidoran M and Girafarig (I found those two as shinies in the original Gold/Silver, but I missed catching them. So I need to make up for it).
I wonder how many grad students get so excited about shiny Pokemon?
How is this possible?
And to top it off, my favorite Pokemon! Who I have, of course, always wanted as a shiny.

My very own shiny Ponyta!
I named him Starlight, because there was a shiny Rapidash in my fanfic who's named Starlight.
Alpha Sapphire - I was actually wondering if I could find a shiny with the Dex Nav.
...And I did?
Now I just need a shiny Nidoran M and Girafarig (I found those two as shinies in the original Gold/Silver, but I missed catching them. So I need to make up for it).
I wonder how many grad students get so excited about shiny Pokemon?
Friday, December 11, 2015
I finished going over Katani's story once more.
It's at a point where I feel really good about most of it. Though I do still have some notes of stuff I need to add or clarify.
There was a lot more culture I wanted to add, but I'll probably have to save most of it. It would be too cluttered otherwise.
I'm debating about sharing it. I guess I've been doing that a lot recently, come to think of it...
It feels good to finish another draft! Except it's not really finished, because like I said I still have a few other things to add.
So I will get to that next~
Tomorrow, maybe.
Except most of the stuff are little bits of world and culture that need to be integrated throughout the story. I've been putting it off because I know it will be hard to do. I need to find several places to slip them in neatly. I gotta get through them one at a time, I guess.
It's at a point where I feel really good about most of it. Though I do still have some notes of stuff I need to add or clarify.
There was a lot more culture I wanted to add, but I'll probably have to save most of it. It would be too cluttered otherwise.
I'm debating about sharing it. I guess I've been doing that a lot recently, come to think of it...
It feels good to finish another draft! Except it's not really finished, because like I said I still have a few other things to add.
So I will get to that next~
Tomorrow, maybe.
Except most of the stuff are little bits of world and culture that need to be integrated throughout the story. I've been putting it off because I know it will be hard to do. I need to find several places to slip them in neatly. I gotta get through them one at a time, I guess.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
The Miracle fo the Friend Safari
Two Pokemon posts in a row? What?
So, yesterday I found a shiny Mienfoo in the Friend Safari. I had heard rumors that shinies were more common in the Friend Safari, but I had never found one. Until yesterday.
And today, I was using the Friend Safari on my other game (X this time - I caught Chris on Y). I just beat the Elite Four today, while in the car for a long drive, so I finally unlocked the Safari in X. I went through all the stages, just seeing what was available.
And I found this.

A shiny Pumpkaboo!
What is this nonsense? Two shinies in a row, a day apart? Usually I find less than one a year.
This year I found... four?
I wonder if they're making them too easy to find in the game. But I'd never found any in X or Y before this.
And I love all of mine anyway~
I have 11 that I found myself (not including GTS and events). This is all of them, except Echo, my Bellossom, and Chris, the Mienfoo. I want to draw all of them together. All my shiny babies~
I have too many things I want to draw...
Oh, her name is Alira. Because I was watching a movie, and there was a vampire who had a name like that, and I thought it would suit my little pumpkin ghost gal.
I have to stop naming them after movies...
I wonder if I should evolve her. Except she requires a trade evolve, and I only have one 3DS.
Hmmm. Stay, or evolve?
So, yesterday I found a shiny Mienfoo in the Friend Safari. I had heard rumors that shinies were more common in the Friend Safari, but I had never found one. Until yesterday.
And today, I was using the Friend Safari on my other game (X this time - I caught Chris on Y). I just beat the Elite Four today, while in the car for a long drive, so I finally unlocked the Safari in X. I went through all the stages, just seeing what was available.
And I found this.

A shiny Pumpkaboo!
What is this nonsense? Two shinies in a row, a day apart? Usually I find less than one a year.
This year I found... four?
I wonder if they're making them too easy to find in the game. But I'd never found any in X or Y before this.
And I love all of mine anyway~
I have 11 that I found myself (not including GTS and events). This is all of them, except Echo, my Bellossom, and Chris, the Mienfoo. I want to draw all of them together. All my shiny babies~
I have too many things I want to draw...
Oh, her name is Alira. Because I was watching a movie, and there was a vampire who had a name like that, and I thought it would suit my little pumpkin ghost gal.
I have to stop naming them after movies...
I wonder if I should evolve her. Except she requires a trade evolve, and I only have one 3DS.
Hmmm. Stay, or evolve?
Friday, December 4, 2015
I caught a shiny Mienfoo today!

After hardly having picked up a game all semester. @__@
I named him Chris. I was watching a movie, but I didn't really know the characters well, so I named him after an actor who's in several movies I like, since he was also in that movie (Christopher Lloyd).
This is the first time I have ever found a shiny while I was actually looking for one...
I'm really excited about this one~
It wasn't even that long ago that I caught my shiny Gloom!

After hardly having picked up a game all semester. @__@
I named him Chris. I was watching a movie, but I didn't really know the characters well, so I named him after an actor who's in several movies I like, since he was also in that movie (Christopher Lloyd).
This is the first time I have ever found a shiny while I was actually looking for one...
I'm really excited about this one~
It wasn't even that long ago that I caught my shiny Gloom!
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