And I'm tired and low on patience as I prepare for my theoretically upcoming exams (I guess they'll happen early this week?).
I'm especially tired right now, from helping my family with a little mothers day party thing. I had to spend the entire morning cleaning, straightening, doing chores, etc. So I haven't really gotten to do any studying today, which I'll get to right after this.
They just tole me a few days ago I've got to finish my exams, and possibly me defense, before I go to Europe. Although that day is approaching very fast. Normally it wouldn't bother me, except I also have a lot to do to prepare for the Europe trip. Plus I have an extra field trip next week, as well as my band concert, and other stuff too.
And I just heard a rather upsetting rumor regarding school stuff...
I'm going to make a slight backtrack. I'll connect the dots later XP
"Slightly" scatterbrained right now.
I finished a book last week. It's called "This Star Won't go Out." I learned about it from the vlogbrothers, quite a while ago, so when I saw the library had the audio book, I grabbed it to listen to during my commute.
The book is about a girl called Esther Earl. If you've been following the Vlogbrothers for a while, you know about her. She's the origin of Esther Day, which I've mentioned here before. It's the day in which you tell your family and friends that you love them.
Esther is also partly the reason that "The Fault in Our Stars" was written. The book is not based on Esther, but it was inspired by her.

I decided to try watching some of Esther's Youtube videos, which are mentioned in the book (taking a short break from studies, since her videos aren't very long).
It reminded me how much I have to be grateful for.
Yeah, school sucks. But things could be so much worse. I have a home, great family and friends, and health. And while school feels like it's sapping my life force, I do at least get to take short breaks a couple times a day, to play a game for 10 minutes, or to do a quick sketch.
So, things suck. But they won't suck forever. School will end relatively soon. Which is a bit scary in itself. Because then I'll have to go out and try to become something in the world.
Anyway, I've got to get myself pumped up to spend the rest of the night reading.
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