I love growing and picking food. There's something amazing about eating something you raised yourself.
Which reminds me, I think I need to spread some compost over it... We have two bins, where we put a bunch of food wast and yard sweepings. Worms and sow bugs love them. And there are these strange spiders that build bizarre-looking egg sacks under the lid. Heheh.
Anyway, I've tried different types of plants, with varying degrees of success. Tomatoes and beans work really well. Lettuce usually does good, though snails got all of it this year. Stupid slimes.
Melons and cucumbers have never grown here though.
Earlier this summer, I was startled to see two very large, oddly shaped things growing on what I thought was a squash vine. But they didn't look like squashes. The skin was different.
I asked my aunt, who knows plants very well. She didn't know, but Uncle Rob said they were alien pods.
Eventually I picked them, and cut one in half out of curiosity.
It was a melon!

They didn't really have much flavor.
But they were really good in smoothies!
And then I started keeping an eye on this guy, which I thought was a lemon cucumber.

Cucumbers have also never grown in this yard, so this was also exciting.
I cut it open and took a bite. And it was sweet! It was also a melon! An extremely tiny one.
I have no idea where they came from. I didn't plant them. And I've never seen any melons like this, so they couldn't have come from seeds that ended up in the compost bins.
Strange mystery melons. I wonder what they are. I saved a couple seeds, to see what happens next year.
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