

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I've written about every other X-Men movie that came out, so I'll continue the trend.
Spoilers for the movie Logan.

I actually saw this a couple weeks ago.
It felt very... tired. You know, aside from all the blood and gore.

I wish the X-Men movies were more cohesive. Professor X dies, then comes back (theoretically in a different body, but it's not a different body). Wolverine goes back in time and rewrites history, and we never see what the new world is like. And in this movie, pretty much everyone is dead. They don't go into any detail about that either.

They sure went to town with the slashing and blood in this movie. Even though this movie had a ton of kids in it? It was like the directors suddenly felt like they had to make full detailed use of Wolverine's claws to make up for lost time.
It was unnecessary.

Laura confuses me. For the first half of the movie, she's shown as basically an animal with no social or communication skills. But then abruptly we realize that's not the case?
Still, I hope all those kids find somewhere safe.

Whyyy did they have to kill everyone?
Aaw man, Wolverine... TT^TT

And to think, just a couple days before, I saw another of my favorite characters "die."
(Seemingly random change in topic)
In Doctor Who, David Tennant is definitely my favorite Doctor.

As I was watching the show, I finished the season with Donna, which was my favorite season . And then moved onto the next season, where there was a new Doctor. It didn't say how he had regenerated, or anything.

I looked online, but I didn't see any special episodes listed between those seasons. So I went on and got caught up with Doctor Who.
Then a few weeks ago, I discovered that there was indeed a couple of special episodes that I had missed (This folks is why wikipedia is NOT a valid research source).
So I checked it out from the library, and finally discovered what happened to my favorite Doctor.

So, First I watch my favorite Doctor "die" and a couple days later, I watch another of my favorite characters die.

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