

Thursday, August 17, 2017

In Limbo

So, the fire situation has not really improved.
I had planned to come home during my days off this week, to see some of my family that's visiting from Italy.
I've been home for a couple days.

And when I got home, I saw that they took the horses out of the stable and down into the valley, because of the potential fire danger.
So, the stable is not open now. And they're not sure when it will be open again.
Amazingly, I'm here at home and I can stay here until they need me again. Which may be in a day, or maybe longer? I've already gotten one extra day off.
It's nice to be able to rest and let my foot recover. But it's a strange feeling, not knowing when I have to drive back to the park. Or what's happening over there.

Plus I left a lot of my stuff up in the park. Like my dental floss and most of my good pants.

So I've been hanging out with family, and doing some creative projects.

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