

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Of Course I Knew it!

I read Bakuman a while ago, and enjoyed it a lot.

It's cool seeing how people form stories, and I learned a lot about the manga process.
Manga is very different than writing a book. Obviously.
But especially because manga are published one chapter at a time. The author doesn't get to go back and revise older parts of the story to improve them or fix continuity.

I've had a bit of experience with that through fanfiction. But even then I have been known to jump back and tweak things once in a rare while.

I learned that the authors of Bakuman were the same guys that wrote Death Note, which was popular while I was in high school. But it took me until this year to read it.
Since I read Bakuman first, I could almost feel a lot of their thought process throughout Death Note.

But the battle between the geniuses got rather annoying. Mostly because they always seemed to be reading each others minds in miraculous ways.
"Hah! I knew you would do this, and I prepared the perfect counter attack!"
No one could predict things that well, even if you can understand someone else's thought process.

Do I have a point here?
Well, sort of. I guess for those creating stories, try not to make stuff sound too forced.

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