More shiny Pokémon. Lots of them.
Last month I started exploring the ultra wormhole in Ultra Sun, looking for legendaries.
Basically, the further you go in the wormhole the more likely you are to find shinies.
So I found a shiny Swellow. And named her Imelda since I'd rewatched a bit of Coco that day.

And the next day I found a shiny Lombre (named Piper from another movie I'd seen earlier that day).

And the day after I found two more shiny Swellow.
I have my own flock of shiny Swellow. This is the first time I've found more than one of a shiny Pokemon. It's also the first time I've found two shinies in one day.
The first one I found that day was female. So I named her Socorro. That's Mama Coco's real name. (Coco is her nickname). Hey, I had Imelda. Might as well name my second one after her daughter. I'd watched some Coco earlier that day too.
And the third Swellow I found was male. Can you guess what I named him? Hector. So I have my happy family of shiny Swellow. Hector, Imelda, and Coco.
My fluffy feathery babies.
As if that wasn't enough, a couple weeks later I found a shiny Clamperl on my Omega Ruby, through Pokéradar.

His name is Chinook (because of a documentary I'd watched earlier). I evolved him into a shiny Gorebyss.

You think I'd be sick of shinies by that point. But I thought I'd try to find a shiny legendary, since I was having so much luck in the wormhole. So when I arrived at Ho-Oh, I saved the game and spent a little time every now and then resetting and waiting to see if a shiny would appear.
And on my birthday, a shiny Ho-Oh did appear.

I named him Jin, which means gold in Chinese.
I could stretch it and say that it had to do with something I watched that day (a documentary about an Olympic gold medalist). But honestly that was the name I had in mind beforehand.
And last night I found another shiny in the wormhole. A shiny Sigilyph.

I tried to find a name that had to do with the day, but I gave up quickly because it was late and I had to work in the morning (the fact that I spend my time right before bed on a work night flying through an ultra wormhole probably says a lot of weird stuff about me). So I just named her Sekhmet after an Egyptian goddess.
I'm still hunting out the legendaries in the wormhole, so we'll see if I continue to find shinies in the depth of outer space.