

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Stealing my Thoughts

Don't you hate it when famous people steal your ideas?
It means that you can't ever use those ideas without people thinking that you got them from so-and-so-famous-movie.

For example, back in middle school, I wrote a story where there's this city With massive trees that have staircases running up through the center of them. Dragons live at the top of the trees.
Then a little movie called Avatar came out.

And a few years ago, I had an idea for a story.
One of the characters was a spirit. He was the hero of a story that use to be famous. But that was a long time ago. And no one's around anymore who really remembers that story. Which means that the spirit is about to disappear, since his story is almost lost.
Then Coco comes out.


When I saw When Marnie was There, I thought it would be fun to write about a character who meets an ancestor.

Well, I probably won't be doing that any time soon. If at all. It seems kind of pointless considering how much I love the way Coco did the same thing.

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