

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tribute to an Amazing Artist

I just found out a couple weeks ago that Isao Takahata died in April.
Many people in America know of Hayao Miyazaki, if not by his name then at least by his films. Most of them have been nominated for Best Animated Picture. One of them even won, despite the fact that the title nearly always goes to Disney.
Less well known in America is Takahata, who has made several of Ghibli's films. My favorite is probably The Tale of Princess Kaguya. But I've loved many others, both during and before Ghibli's existence.
It's hard to imagine that he's gone.

I ran across a lovely tribute to his films. If you love Miyazaki but aren't familiar with Takahata, definitely check out some of his beautiful and touching works.

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