

Monday, October 15, 2018

Zoo Photos

I'm just going to dump a bunch of these here. These are from the last few months.


Black and white ruffed lemur, hanging like a bat

This is one of my favorite photos out of all of them.
Red tailed boa with a dying dart frog sitting on his head.

Prarie dog loaf (dude prarie dogs have entire languages with nouns, verbs, and adjectives @_@ )

Red ruffed lemur tucked into a ball

River otter

Grizzly bear. She's holding her foot out of the water XD

Our Sumatran tigers snuggling. He's got his paw draped over her back~

She's got a goats milk pop sickle

Baby francois langur. Babies are born bright orange

Siberian tiger
Flehmen response: When an animal like a cat smells something really interesting and opens their mouth to pull the scent in. It's adorable.

Over the course of 10 minutes her tongue kept coming out farther and farther.

Sifaka, rolled into a perfect ball

Baby mandrill

Red pandas eat bamboo, just like giant pandas

Siberian tiger

Red panda

Zebras lined up perfectly

West African crowned crane.
I love it when they ruffle their feathers. They look like porcupine birds.

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