

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Keep Your Mind Flexible

I guess most people have some beliefs that they won't change no matter what. It can be good to stick to your ideals. But it's not good to be completely rigid to the point of excluding all else. Because sometimes beliefs are wrong (people that insist climate change is fake, for example).

I try to be open, but I have my points I won't change my mind about either. Especially when it comes to human relationships to the rest of the planet.
Though recently I was impressed that a really good argument swayed me on a subject that I thought I was adamant about.

I was listening to a program about the art of debate. They were talking about arguments for and against changing the legal age of drinking. I thought I'd considered most of the arguments for that subject. But then he gave an argument that came at it from an entirely different angle (If someone is old enough to fight and die for their country, shouldn't they be old enough to legally drink?). And in that moment I could see the other side of the argument in a new light (Though admittedly when he gave more evidence, I found my original opinion come back to the foreground).

I forget where I was going with this post.
I guess learn to appreciate other points of view? Be willing to change our opinion, if necessary?
Well, something like that XD

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