I don't know why it took me so long, but I finally remembered to look through my notes on Arrin's story.
I have a large file of story notes, either about vague ideas for characters, items, themes, plots, ex. It doesn't even include my notes about the worlds and the way magic works.
There are a few partially developed story ideas that have stacks of notes. Arrin's story is one of those.
I wish I could say I magically stumbled on the answer to all the sticky bits of the story, but my notes are almost never like that. They're mostly little scraps of ideas about character interactions or other such things. The plot stuff is usually so vague that I don't even need to look it up to remember what it was about.
But it was fascinating to read through. I kept going, "oooh, that would fit really well! I'm glad I wrote it down three years ago."
Yeah, it takes me a long time to accumulate ideas before I actually get started on a story XD
So, I've unearthed some more depth of characters. But I'm still struggling through the actual writing.
I'll get there eventually.
Okay, I didn't even think of this until a day ago, but I have been totally forgetting to add zoo photos to posts @_@
It was like I got caught up with all my photos back in October and my brain told me I was done.
Well, some things in life do not have an end date. Like work. At least not until you retire XD
So I'll try to stick smoe more photos up from time to time, especially on those boring posts with no pictures XD

Komodo dragon