

Saturday, April 27, 2019

White-Tailed Kite

Something I haven't talked about on my blog recently are the Magic-Folk. And now that I'm thinking about it, I really should give them a better name. I already renamed a lot of my other old, bland terms.

The air Magic Folk called Anjels, as a take off Angel, because they have wings in addition to air magic. It's pronounced a bit different though.
Where I am in the story, she's been mentioned, but she hasn't made an appearance yet. So I didn't really have any idea what she'd look like, other than being a Miwok girl.
But this month, I've seen a lovely bird on many of my drives home. A white tailed kite, hovering over the fields near the highway in search of prey. I've always been fascinated by these birds. They're similar to a hawk, with stunning orange eyes. And unlike most birds, they can hover in midair. When they do so, it looks like their wings are spinning. You should look for a video.
So I took that as a sign to give her kite wings.
One more step forward XD But she'll be cool when she hovers~

(Not a kite! This is a pink-backed pelican XD)

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