

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Shiny Bugs

For my own fun~
A few new shiny Pokémon stories.

I thought I'd try my hand at shiny hunting in Let's Go Eevee (through chain catching).
So I tried hunting for a Vulpix. But after a long time, there were no shinies. There was a wild Articuno, which I caught (thus breaking my streak and deleting my odds of finding a shiny Vulpix).
Then as I was strolling through Viridian forest, I saw something sparkle in the bushes.
I'd made a pact with myself to take a screenshot of any wild shiny I found before I encountered it. But that thought flew out of my head. I pounced and found a shiny Weedle.

After a few weeks, I went back and tried shiny hunting again. This time for Caterpie.
And I found three in a row.

I kept it going, because I was hoping a shiny Bulbasaur would pop up. And finally he did!
So five new shinies~

I'll probably evolve Weedle and two of the Caterpie all the way. And I may evolve Bulbasaur into an Ivysaur, because then you can see the pretty gold bud. Shiny Bulbasaur doesn't look very different.

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