

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Microsoft Sucks

I feel like complaining.
A couple months ago, I brought my laptop in to see if they could help me fix something.
They didn't fix it. Instead they screwed it up. The battery life is about half what it was. I it drains more power somehow?
And they also made it so that I can no longer use Microsoft Word or Excel on my laptop.

I spent a very long time talking to Microsoft trying to get them to fix it. After all, I'd bought and paid for Miscrosoft word and Excel for my laptop. Despite that, they basically told me that I'd have to buy it again. And wasted a LOT of my time in the process.
So thanks a lot, computer place, for screwing up my laptop in the first place. And Microsoft, you suck.

So basically I can't write whenever I'm away from home and my desk computer.

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