

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Arith's Origins

 Arith's story actually started out as an old collab back in high school.

There isn't too much of the old story left, aside from a few of the characters and a general direction. At first it was a little painful to pick up these characters again. Not because of the story itself, but because of the person I wrote the collab with. Fortunately that feeling has mostly gone away. The story is different enough that I don't need to think about the original. 

Except I still need to figure out what they actually have to do to reach their goal. Hrmmm. I've fished up a couple old ideas that may or my not help me figure it out, so we'll see what happens. I haven't looked at it in a couple weeks, because I've been jumping around between a few writing projects. But I'll get back on it in the next few days.

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