

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Corrupt Characters Should Fit

Some books put crazy people in high positions. 

Now, let me explain. Crazy people get into top positions all the time. Just look at one of our recent presidents. But what bugs me is when a writer puts a greedy, selfish person in charge of something like a temple or school where everyone else is a good person. It makes no sense for a disgusting, nasty person to have climbed their ranks. The writer just did it for extra conflict, I guess. 

Part of this is probably me rebelling against real-life disgusting people stumbling into power/wealth.

Or maybe the poor character development just irritates me. Anyway, I guess I mention it because I just quit a book for doing this in a very abrasive way. It was a book meant for middle school students, I guess, but still. It just feels like it's giving kids a bad message.

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