

Friday, October 28, 2022

Respect the Endings

I usually find endings to be the most powerful part of the movie. Probably because that's what you walk away with. It's like the last bite of your dinner is the taste that lingers. 

So I get really... irritated when people ruin the ending of something. Especially if it's something I've never seen before. And if I watch something with a friend, I try to extend that courtesy to them. Nick and I just watched the season 2 finale of Sherlock. He'd never seen it before. And while I don't care about the show beyond this point, this season finale was so powerful. 

And of course my parents happened to be around. Just before we started the episode, my mom spoiled the ending. I told her to be quiet, but she continued talking, spoiling even more of it. 

That was bad enough. But when we finally got to the ending, Dad walked in and started talking loudly to Nick. I asked him three times to stop talking, but he ignored me and continued talking. Effectively ruining the entire part I'd been looking forward to.

As a writer, I take endings very seriously. And I get really pissed off when people are utter jerks about wrecking endings, especially if it's someone's first view. 

Don't do it.


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