

Friday, December 30, 2022

Africa's not a Country

I'm working on a couple short stories set in Africa. It's hard, since I've never been there, and I want to do it justice. 

My current work-in-progress takes place in the Congo. And it's been hard just finding names for the characters. I have a name book. They have an index where they list names by the country they're from. But not for Africa. Names from all African countries are crammed together in a tiny section. I checked every single name, and only 2 of them were from the Congo. 

Africa is not a country! It is an entire continent with many countries! Let's have some diversity in your freaking name book! 

I think I need a better book...

It did have the name "Simba."  Which, incidentally, means "lion." I'd like to have more creative names in my story, as much as I love The Lion King.

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