

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Concert Etiquette

A little while ago, I went to a Ghibli concert. It was a trio, and I think they were either students, or recently graduated. But they were really good! What really blew me away was that they had taken full orchestra pieces and beautifully arranged them to fit around a few instruments. I wish I could get copies of that music (In high school, I had actually turned the Howl's Moving Castle theme into a duet. Though the duets were cancelled soon after, so I never got to use it).

They said that they had only expected maybe 20 people to show up, but the place was sold out! I later saw posters for a second concert (with higher prices XD ) 

But some people in the audience had really bad concert etiquette. For example, don't clap until the song has actually ended! Clapping over the last note messes up a lovely ending. 

I'm sorry if you have to cough, but don't go hacking loudly during a concert. During one of our concerts, a lady had a little girl who was coughing and hacking loudly over our most important song. It messed up the whole song, as well as the recording of it. Your kid needs help! Take her out of the theater! Jeez!  If I have to cough, I try to hold it until the end of the song (then everyone is clapping anyway, so you can't really hear a cough).

And freaking turn off your phones! Jeez! Everyone should know that.

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