

Friday, March 29, 2024

Pure Sap

For the past few years, I've become a stupid sucker for sappy friendship stuff. Think My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Or Pokémon Masters (the iphone game). 

There's even been a couple times where I started crying during the sappiest stuff. Even if I wasn't really interested in what was going on (Or course this applies to some non-sappy stuff too - Steven Universe makes you feel very real things).

It's easy to tell why this switch happened. When one of your best friends destroys you, it knocks a screw loose. 

I prefer the fact that I now cry about animals, or just because something is beautifully done. 

I've also been informed that the older you get, the easier you cry.

(I think watching cinema therapy videos has also increased the amount of film-induced tears)

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