

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Building a World's Countries

A few years ago, I reorganized all of the regions for Magic-Earth. My original version (probably done in high school) was random chunks of land. But I wanted them to follow natural landmarks, like rivers and mountains. And I wanted them to be all relatively the same size. 

 Now I have the monumental task of figuring out how the different cultures from our world will translate into the countries of the other world. Some countries are broken up, or combined together. Vaircress is the main region I use, because it coordinates with where I live so I'm most familiar with the land. 

I looked in my little American Indian encyclopedia and found all of the tribes that lived in that area of land. It's broken up into different groups, such as Northwest Coast, and California. I listed out the tribes in these groups, and to my excitement the groups actually lined up remarkable well with the borders of the Vaircress region. There are just a few outliers.

Though I came across a different complication. My useless little encyclopedia took the California region and listed ten tribes. But as I got online to do further research, I found nearly 50 tribes. And that's not even counting some tribes that are broken into smaller categories.

And California is one of six regions I have to go through for Vaircress. The others don't have over 40 tribes, but some of them get close. So, yeah. This is gonna take a while. And Vaircress is just one of many countries. 

Juvenile Magellanic penguins

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