

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Draft Count

I wish I knew how many drafts I've done of Evva's story. I only save them when it occurs to me. I've gone a couple years without saving a draft, according to my computer. I have six saved, mostly for reference (though originally I'd save drafts so I'd know how many revisions I did). Though I may not ever look at the older versions again.

But what counts as a draft, really? For example, I just went all through the story adding in several cultural details. Does that count as a draft? Or is it not a draft until I read through the whole thing and smooth in all those new details? 

Ah well. It doesn't really matter. But you'll hear some authors say they go through a few drafts per book, and others will have closer to 100 drafts. I'm interested to see where I fall on that spectrum. Certainly not 100.

4th of July meerkat.

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