So, I realized that in addition to some of the dragon designs which I had to redo, I forgot to post a couple of them. So, once I scan them, I'll put them up. But for now, I'll put up my newly redone Dawn Dragon. Dawn dragons are shorter and thicker than their close relatives-the sun dragons. They're also bigger than sun dragons. And they breathe fire.
This is Strongheart. It is actually the name of a dog. An actor dog that was in several movies and was very famous in his time (He died a while ago). And he was very SMART. You could say something to him, like: go and grab that branch, take it to that man there, come back and tag my hand, then sit down. He could understand what people told him, in complex sentences. And he was one of those psychic animals. He could tell if a person was good or bad. I read about him in a book called "Kinship with all Life" by J. Allen Boone. I highly recommend it. It's short, and it starts out boring. But it gets better, and is completely fascinating.

But either way, my dragon Strongheart originally starred in "Dragons of Element," which as you know, I have abandoned even though I finished it. Now I'm bringing him back in a new story I created in Beijing. I haven't started it yet since I'm in the middle of almost 8 other stories. But here's the overall plot. Several of the magical races from Magic-Earth (there's a wind race, fire, water, ice, animal, night, tree, and earth. I'll explain about them later) plus Briena, the your mage who I'm currently writing about (title still nonexistent) and a dragon (Strongheart) from Soreina somehow get sucked to our earth. Still searching for an actual plot. I think there will be a unicorn involved too, since they're interdimensional beings and could assist in getting everyone back home. Not just a horse with a horn stuck on its head. The real unicorns have more dainty, deer-like bodies, cloven hooves, and lion-like tails. Here's a picture from "The Last Unicorn." Also a good movie. You should watch it.

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