

Monday, April 5, 2010


OK, I'm still having computer problems. This time if anything goes wrong, I have most of my speech online so I can access it whenever I need to! Take that computer demons!
I was supposed to give my speech 2 weeks ago, but 30 minutes and 4 laptops couldn't get my images to show up. So I redid the whole thing in a different format. But my email won't save it. So I have it on a USB thing. And in case that doesn't work, I now have it in my blog (though I cut a couple pictures out).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is CrmsnLupine from FF.net Sorry to post here, but I'm a little unsure if any of the reviews I'm replying to are getting to the people I send them to. XD;

So just to be safe, I'll tell you here. Yes the administrator was one character offered up in the reviews along with several other characters. :) (Rainy, MC, Brandon, and...one other admin I think) the rest of the characters are all mine. :) Also, like I said, you'll be the first person I contact if I need an extra OC to play along with MewTwo, which...I may take you up on in the future, just not ready yet. :) As always thanks for the review.

Oh and good luck with your speech! Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with your computer. :\