So I've watched the first two episodes of FMA Brotherhood. Ed sounds a little more like a girl, actually.
Anyway, I haven't gotten too far in Brotherhood yet, so I'm not sure what to make of it. Again, only seen 2 episodes.
The manga was pretty good, though again, not for the faint of heart. It can be pretty dark (and funny at times too!)
So, the first comic will be understood only if you know anything about FMA. But as a quick explanation, in the anime, Al hid a kitten in his armor. And in another episode, Scar broke Al's armor.
The second really doesn't require explanation... Just 2 overly smart kids.

Oh, to all of you who are confused, I'll tell you what I've been told.
The original Full Metal Alchemist show was started as the book series was still running. So the anime got ahead of the manga, and they had to start making up their own stuff. So after we meet Greed, they pretty much go off in completely different directions. It's still good.
So, FMA Brotherhood actually follows the manga all the way (though neither are completed yet).
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