

Friday, October 1, 2010

Posts, Logo, and Imaginary Friends

That's what I was aiming for! X3 yay lots of posts!!!!

Um...oh yeah! So I've realized that I havent actually drawn much the last few days. I remember Tara saying one some post or another that she wanted to update the dragon's pen blog logo picture thing. So if it's ok with you Tara I can draw up a few logos and you can pick which one you want. The idea excites me greatly :D

Also, I've talked to both Tara and Nicole within the last few days about an idea I've had for a story. It's still not committed to paper, (mainly because I have no idea on how to go about and actually start this thing) but the idea surrounds imaginary friends.

Now I never had an imaginary friend, and honestly I feel a little ripped off. If I went around talking to an invisible person now (being nineteen) people would probably cart me off to the loony bin. But honestly I really kind of want an imaginary friend. But then i got to thinking.

Little kids. When they have imaginary friends, it's because they're lonely and dont have anyone to talk to, so they make someone up. So whenever they need a friend, they've already got one on reserve. The imaginary friend (being imaginary) doesnt really mind (or at least seem to mind) the fact that their creator will potentially ignore them for long periods of time until they are needed.

Seeing as small children really dont have a concept of how other people behave and how they actually have feelings, their imaginary friends probably exists as more of a servant/slave to the creator than an actual friend. I mean all of the 'friend' qualities are there in the relationship, but once the friend is obsolete, they essentially die.

Now being of a little older age (ok a lot) I started to wonder. Could i take full responsibility for another sentient being? One that has feelings and thinks and functions? My imaginary friend would essentially be a person who's kind of around all of the time...so is it rude to ignore the imaginary friend who has not much else to do but talk to their creator? What does an imaginary friend eat? Are they limited by walls? Are they privy to only information that they know? Can other people touch them? Does the imaginary friend have a family? Do they have a past? What makes up their personality and decisions? How do you even go about meeting an imaginary friend? What if they dont like you?!?!

I'm still pondering over many of these questions and quite frankly their making my brain hurt, a lot. O_o

I guess for little kids none of these questions matter an awful lot. But to me their very important! I want to know my imaginary friend and their past and talk with them and stuff...but I'm beginning to think that maybe they're just best suited for a story than my actual life. I'll just settle with the existential questions and implications of creating a sentient being (not unlike Artificial intelligence) and whether someone could live with the burden of being responsible for said being and not become insane based on the idea that they're completely crazy or a schizophrenic.

If any of you have ideas, let me know cause my brain hurts so much that I cant even think about it and I've had to distract myself with cryptography and cryptoanalysis (i.e. code breaking) but yeah let me know.

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