

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Psychological Scary

So first I want to clarify, partly for myself and partly for anyone who doesnt know the history of Soreina, so feel free to correct me Tara. There was at some point in the distant past, one world. Then the Shadow Split came about and split the world into three copies, so now there's three worlds. These worlds just happened to evolve differently i.e. magic, technology...and I dont know the last one, but I'm sure there were three...

And the countries in technology-Earth (our world) and magic-Earth (where the stories take place for the most part) have ancestral roots with each other, they just decided to grow in different directions, so that's why a country/country's people can resemble a certain ethnic race here.

Did I get that right?

Ok so onto the main point of my post. Scary stories. Like the title says I'm more interested in psychological scary for my story. Why? Because unlike movies, books cannot have those scary moments of "BOO!" and having something random jump out at you. I mean technically they can but that doesnt mean that it's as...effective as actually seeing/hearing said scary monster leap out at you.

Out of the few scary stories that I have read the psychological ones stick with me best. It doesnt have to have a lot of blood and gore, but it leaves you with the creepy feeling of 'whaaaaaat?' and you spend hours thinking about it.

Now I'll post maybe two stories to explain what I mean. I'm recreating it from memory so if you actually know the story dont be mad at me ><

There was a small hotel by the ocean, a traditional inn. It had three floors and had spectacular views of the sea. The old man who owned it, had died, and with no heir to succeed him, the inn was given to his favorite nephew.

So the nephew began running the place. He took the bedroom at the end of the third floor, the room his late uncle had used. That night, just as he was about to fall asleep, the man heard a scritch-scratch-scritch noise. He sat up in bed and scanned the room. There was nothing.

'It must be the house settling.' Without another thought he went to sleep, the scratching noise continued.

The next morning the man got up bright and early, forgetting all about the previous night's noise. He went about his duties as an innkeeper, but that night, as he lay in his bed, the silence engulfing him, he heard it again.

'Not again' he thought, 'maybe it's rats! I'll have to get some traps and find it.'

The man grumbled to himself and slept.

The next day, the man looked all over the inn for signs of a rat, but found none. He searched his room, the entire third floor. As he searched the second floor he was struck by an odd thought. The second floor hallway seemed longer than the third. The man counted the doors as he walked down the hall, he totaled six on one side, six on the other.

He climbed the stairs and began counting doors on the third floor. Six on one side...five on the other. He stopped at the blank expanse of wall that stood at the end of the hall right next to his room. The man dashed into his room and stuck his head out of the window, looking towards the end of the building. Sure enough there was more wall stretching out, enough so that there could be another room...

The man called a contractor and asked for the man's opinion on the mysterious wall. After some inspection the contractor deemed that this was not original wall. He asked the owner what he wanted to do.

The man thought about it, then decided to knock down the fake wall.

So the contractor began work, within minutes the drywall had been reduced to rubble to reveal the rest of the hallway. At the end of the hall was a door, sealed with chains and locks, boards were nailed into the doorframe, criss-crossing each other, each crack was caulked so that it was impossible for anything to get in...or out.

The men looked at each other and nodded. They began cutting the chains and removing the boards. Finally they managed to open the door. The door creaked open, as if it had not been used for many years. The two men stared into the room, trying to see. They pulled out their flashlights, turned it on, and entered the room.

Scratch marks covered the entire room as if something had frantically tried to escape. Blood was mixed with the scars on the walls.

What made the men truly frightened was the blood. But not blood that was splayed across the floor, nor the blood that indicated that whatever had clawed at the walls and floor had done so until they were using nothing more than bloody stumps. It was the fact that written in blood, over and over and over, on the walls the ceiling, and the floor were the words

'Father please let me out'
'Father please let me out'
'Father please let me out'
'Father please let me out'

So...yeah that's the kind of creepy I was talking about....this one might not be so much as a 'whaaaat?' moment as a 'gaaaah that was creepy' moment. For the most part this one wasnt scary, well at least it wasnt scary until the end...or maybe it wasnt scary at all? I dont really know, but it certainly was creepy.

By the way this is not my story. this is one from the manga xxxholic written by CLAMP. So in no way do I claim this story as my own. Also it would be more effective with something scratching while the story is being told. I'm gonna post this now, and maybe post the other scary story later, cause I gotta go to aikido club soon. I hope you enjoyed the story :D

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