

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nice to meet you...?

I was thinking of this the other day when I saw something on deviantart. Someone had drawn a comic of these two girls freaking out about how awesome these two characters were and how they wished they could me them. And then the comic showed two buys that were basically real-life versions of those characters, and the two girls looked at each other and said, "nerds."
Anyway, it got me thinking. What would it be like if you met your favorite characters? Watching/reading them is one thing. You can enjoy their uniqueness from afar. But what if you were interacting and talking with them? Hopefully you don't do something mean like dismiss them as geeks or nerds (nothing wrong with nerds--nerdfighters!!!--but the word is often used with a negative connotation).
I started thinking about a bunch of the characters that I really liked.
Ling, Ed, Al, Zuko, Tamaki, Waka, Midna, Inuyasha (a new favorite). Actually Tamaki is probably the best example for this. He's hilarious. He's stupid but you can't help but love him. But it would really be kind of awkward to meet him. Especially if you happen to be a girl and he's in host-mode (actually it would be kinda fun to see him to his "depressed huddle").

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