I just finished him yesterday.
I ordered the unpainted statue from the ever-amazing Windstone company. She now has a Deviantart account too, and I'm gonna send her pictures of my completed Fang. ^-^
Anyway, I love the Windstone statues and have the good fortune to own a few of them (One I even found at a garage sale!). Problem is they're pretty darn expensive. So, as I tend to do, I decided to get something cheaper and then do it myself! Plus then I can customize it. And you can buy paint-your-owns! So, I saw the beautiful winged wolf and decided to turn it into Fang.
So, yes. Fang is pretty much a plain big black wolf with a little white around the mouth and brown eyes. He also has a twisted gold/silver.copper bangle on his right fore-wrist. I never really thought much about giving him wings, so I had to design what his wings would look like. I'm not sure the pictures do it justice. But his wings are deepest blue with a silvery sheen on the undersides on the lower layers of feathers. The tops of the wings appear solid dark, unless light hits them, when they gleam with a faint sheen of silver.

I liked doing this. I'd really like to do another one. Maybe a kirin and a dragon. I really like the kirins.
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