

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars

Finished reading The Fault in Our Stars. And I stayed up faar too late doing it.
The book was pretty brilliant. The first half was really thoughtful and the second half was reaalllly sad. TT^TT
As always, his books made me laugh. I don't laugh often when reading a book (that doesn't include manga). And they always get you to think too. This is probably now my favorite John book.
One of my favorite parts is where Hazel says that her oxygen machine is like her own dragon. A dragon that cares about her enough to match its breathing to hers. And I went "YESS!" If I were in Hazel's position, that is EXACTLY what I would think. I'd have my dragon sleeping next to my bed, protecting me.
So, like I said, it was really late when I finished reading. I turned off the lights, but then realized that I wanted another pillow. As I walked into the hall to get one out of the closet, I couldn't help thinking how freaking lucky I am to be able to do something as simple as climb out of my bed and grab a pillow from the closet...

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