

Sunday, December 21, 2014

New and Improved Character Development Sheet!

A long time ago, I had a little character interview sheet that I made by blending questions from a few different sources. I posted it on the blog, using Katani as an example.
A few months ago, I started putting together an even bigger one. I added more to the interview, but mostly there are several pages of questions about charaters. The interview gets into the voice of the character. The rest of the questions are just information. 'I got the questions from several different sources, and I made up some myself.
Some of the questions are harder to answer, simply because the answer may change throughout the course of the story, and it's hard to pick a certain time to focus on. You could include all of them, I suppose. Other questions are tricky because you could either apply them to the real world, or the world that the character lives in. For example, Katani's world doesn't have movies. So I gave him one from this world. And I've given him some books from his world to like, but I also had ideas for books from this world that he would enjoy.
I just finished filling it out for Katani. It took a realllly long time... I neglected it for a few months during school even.

And now I really need to do it for Ashlyn. I don't have a good sense of her.
Sigh. It always seems to be the main character... Both Katani and Ashlyn. --_--
Although I've got Katani down better~
Now it's Ashlyn's turn!
We'll see hos long it takes to fill out this sheet fore her...

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