

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Winter of Shinies

Okay, I'm pretty sure this will be my last of these posts for a while.
But my search is complete!
I finally found my shiny Girafarig. The shiny that I encountered in the original gold/silver games, and failed to catch (along with Nidoran M).
Actually I found him about a week ago.
I caught him in my Alpha Sapphire game, with the Dex nave. Though my encounter meter was over 300 by the time I finally found him.

I named him Savannah, because I thought it would be a good name for him, and I already had it in mind (I broke my rule, of naming them after stuff that happened that day).

But a couple days before that, I had a totally random encounter with a shiny Floatzel in my X game. I named him Haiku. Why? ...well, I was watching Haikyuu at the time...

The funny thing was, at that time, I was trying to catch a couple missing Pokémon to fill my Pokédex, so I could get the shiny charm. As it was, I got the shiny charm less than an hour after catching my shiny Floatzel. I think these games are making fun of me.

So, over the past 2 months, I have caught almost half of all my shiny Pokémon. And only half of those were intentional catches.

Okay. Back to working on my grad project.

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