First up is Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
I'm a Star Wars fan. I hated Anakin in episode 2, but I generally love Star Wars.
And I liked the beginning of The Force Awakens. Up through where the 2 new heroes meet.
But overall, I was disappointed in this one. It just felt like a remake of episode 4. Apparently that is a widely held belief.
Although I may like it better the second time. More likely is that if the next Star Wars is really good, I'll end up growing attached to this one too.
Still, I'm not sure why they couldn't actually try to do something new?
And then There was The Good Dinosaur.
It didn't feel like anything new either. Though I did like Spot.
The art was really odd. The backgrounds and landscapes were really beautiful and realistic (Dad couldn't stop gushing praise about them). But the characters were so cartoonish, that they really didn't seem like they fit in the world at all.
As far as Pixar goes, the last of their movies I really loved was Up. After that, some of their creativity seems to have disappeared.
Except for the short. I freaking loved Sanjay's Super Team. Dad loved it too. I really want to see it again.
Awesome animation, motion, and story. The designs of the gods were awesome too!
I suppose it helped that I grew up with some of the stories it's based off of. Hanuman, the monkey god, is probably my favorite.
And now I want to make sure that I actually correctly identified those three gods...
Turns out I was wrong about the woman. She's Durga. Hanuman was obvious. I was a bit torn about the central one, because I'm used to Krishna being the blue-skinned god. But it's actually Vishnu, which makes sense because of the multiple arms.
Hmm. My Ananda side is showing.

I think I may be a bit of a hypocrite. I never read reviews that other people have written of films, especially not before I see the film. But I do like writing about films (and games and books). Trying to find out what works, and what didn't.
I suppose it's my way of learning what not to do myself, in my own stories.
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