I got to see Hugh Jackman a couple weeks ago! He did a huge concert.
Massively huge.
And it was awesome!

Aah man, there was music from Greatest Showman and Les Miserables (One Day More!). He sang the Gaston song, because that was his first musical - the Beauty and the Beast stage play. Singin' in the Rain and Somewhere over the Rainbow. He can tap dance, and even drum!

Dude, he took his drumsticks and pretended like they were Wolverine claws.
He found a little old lady in the audience and pulled her on stage and danced with her.
And he thoroughly embarrassed his piano player for his birthday XD
And there was a beautiful part where he talked about some time he spent in the outback as a kid, and how it had been like a spiritual experience.
I didn't get many good photos because he's always glowing in my camera? Even during the videos I took XD I guess my camera was all starry-eyed.
I saw his show in San Francisco years ago. But that was before he did so many more cool musicals. I recognized a couple songs from last year though. Like Once Before I Go.
Whoo, it was fun though.
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