

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I Taste Cooked Meat

Well, today I got a chunk of my gum hacked out of my mouth. I hurt it months ago (I think I jammed it while flossing). And my retainers stopped it from ever healing (I thought I would never have to deal with retainers once I grew up but it turns out I grind my teeth when I'm asleep, so I have to wear them to stop myself from grinding my teeth down to stubs).
I tried a couple things to fix it, but today they took a laser and cut it away. It was remarkably fast. Though at one point, I couldn't avoid noticing that I tasted cooked meat.

Well, there's a weird hole next to my teeth for now. But for the first time in months, I can chew without it hurting! Yaay!

Silverback gorilla

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