

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Quick Characters

There have been a couple instances where I created a spur-of-the-moment character to fill a gap in a story. And I ended up really liking those character, even though they have very little screen time.
The first of these was Joaquin, Evva's adopted brother.
And now there's another. I created her at the end of Arrin's story. We need to see what direction Arrin is headed after the events of the story. I had decided beforehand what her animal partner was, and it's an African animal. So it would make sense for Arrin to spend some time in Africa. It's not common for a mage to apprentice on a different continent, but it can happen. And Arrin would be glad to get away for a while. So her new mage instructor is from Africa and Arrin goes there to train with her
I've been learning some about the Samburu through conservation groups, but I still have to learn a lot more about their culture before I can do the teacher proper justice. She doesn't even have a name yet, because I don't know how their naming works.
But she's really cool! I like her a lot.

I guess there must be an interesting reason for why I get so attached to spur-of-the-moment characters. Maybe they're more pure or something? Like they're based off of instinct, not thought (I have no idea. This is wild speculation). But I really want to write more with her and Joaquin. At the very least, some short stories.

Animal Picture time!

Grizzly Bear


Mexican Gray Wolf

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