

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Predicting the Future

I just updated my computer, and it messed up a bunch of stuff. So I'm dealing with another computer nightmare. Yeesh.
Anyway, I've been going through my old videos to make sure everything still works. And I just watched the video of my thesis defense.

Ugh, I hate listening to recordings of my voice.
But that's not what I wanted to say.
During my talk, I explain the story I wrote from my graduate project. In my story, a big disaster happened when wastewater injection (used in fossil fuel mining) caused a big earthquake. That earthquake destroyed a big oil facility, wiping out most of the oil reserves for the US (Leading society to collapse).

A couple weeks before my thesis defense, wastewater injection (used in fossil fuel mining) caused a big earthquake that hit a town.
So, that was freaky.

And during my graduate talk, I discuss novels that include overpopulation. And one of the novels wiped out most of humanity with a human-made disease. I said that I didn't want to rely on a pandemic to solve overpopulation.
It was bizarre to hear myself say that in a speech a few years ago.

Mandrill monkeys. The big male is checking out his toes.

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