We're about to step into a new year. I hope it's great for you guys!
Let's end with a lioness.
Me over the last several days:
All of the papers are finally dry. But several of the books are still damp. It's a slow process...
My nicest book I got it thoroughly trashed. And I can't find a replacement online.
Another book was even signed by the author.
In query letters, one of the things you include is a comparison to similar, recent books. I found an article about why book comps are important. For one, it lets you get a feel for what kind of books are selling now. And of course, it gives your agent some kind of ground on which to picture your book.
I needed to fix my book comps on my query letter. The only books I knew that were at all similar to mine were much older than the recommended ten years. So it was on to the book store. There, I spent about five hours reading the backs of all of the Young Adult fantasy. I bought one for good measure.
Nothing seemed similar to my book. Though I listed out that might have some similar elements. I've been reading them, and luckily I've found two that I can compare to parts of my story.
What were the main themes I noticed in today's YA fantasy? War, revenge, and dark or forbidden powers. Lots of assassins and thieves.
And for some reason, a lot of characters named "Wren."
A couple months ago, I put all of my travel information in a box in the basement. These were books I'd gotten about places like Machu Picchu, Hearst Castle, Dublin, and Stonehenge. There were maps and pamphlets I'd picked up, postcards of notable sights, and itinerary information. And special little things like calligraphy practice I did in China, and my ticket to the Ghibli Museum. It was nice to have it all on one location.
Then I had to shift some stuff around in the basement, and I put the box on the floor. And after a heavy rain, the basement flooded. I wasn't worried. They were in a sturdy plastic box. It was only when I picked it up that I noticed that the inside looked funny. And with horror, I saw the crack in the bottom of the box. Cursing, I hauled the heavy box out and tried to pull out one of the books. Everything was bloated and soaked, and it was difficult to get the first book out. Everything was sodden. I spent the whole morning desperately peeling pages apart. And then I had to restack most of them because there wasn't enough room to spread everything out. I had to leave for most of the day, and finish when I got home. Pages and books are spread out through four rooms in the house, including the laundry line.
My itinerary from China completely bled through. My prettiest book from my Europe trip ended up with all of the beautiful images peeling off onto the adjacent page. Despite being as careful as I could, many of the damp books and maps tore.
I spread things out as much as possible, but many are still at the bottom of soggy stacks. But those papers wills till dry faster than my stack of crinkled books.
It's been a stressful day.
A little while ago, I stumbled upon a movie sitting on a shelf in a store. It was called Belle. It caught my attention, because at that time I was getting my flood of ideas about my own Beauty and the Beast story. So I rented it at the library.
The timeline was hard to follow, and some parts were confusing. But the music was so great. And some of the scenes were done with really powerful emotion. Belle's design is beautiful too.
I think the songs were the main selling point for me. Especially "A Million Miles Away." That last part is sung so amazingly. My Dad heard it, and having no idea what was going on in the movie, said that her voice was like honey. And amazingly the English singer matches the Japanese singer's tone really well. Apparently they chose both voice actors while the movie was being made, instead of making the English dub much later.
Nicole wondered if the American version of the movie is censored. And it seems like she has to be right, though I wasn't able to find anything about it. It really seems like Kei is getting kicked during that one scene. Unless maybe he's anticipating getting hit? Poor kids.
The little brother was the first person to like Belle!
Earlier this year, I bought the most expensive concert ticket I've ever bought. But it was necessary. After all, the composer for all of Miyazaki's movies was doing a concert. Joe Hisaishi would be conducting a Ghibli concert with the San Francisco Symphony.
I had to go.
It ended up being similar in arrangement to the Bodukan Anniversary Concert. Though that one was even more fabulous. The concert I went to did have The Wind Rises though. Even if it was missing The Boy and the Heron.
Man, even up in the nosebleeds it was amazing being in the audience. I was most looking forward to The Demon God, from Princess Mononoke. That song is so powerful. I think as a whole, Princess Mononoke probably has my favorite music.
The choir sang with many of the songs. Some were in Japanese, and some were in English. I kinda wished they'd sung the Ponyo theme in Japanese though. The English version is very limited - only one verse, which they repeated a few times. It would have been more fun with the full Japanese version (Man,they really butchered that song in the English film).
There were a couple solo singers too. In fact, the only time Hisaishi-san spoke during the whole concert was to gesture to one of the singers and say, "she is my daughter." Everyone cheered.
Not only did Hisaishi-san conduct, but he also played piano. He'd conduct his way between the platform and the piano bench to switch between the two. And when he played, the orchestra kept time to his playing instead of his conducting
There was a big screen where they would either play videos of the musicians and conductor, or they'd play scenes from the movies.
After the concert was the encore. They were the same encore songs from the Bodukan concert, so I knew what to expect. During the Madness-Flight, from Porco Rosso, the spotlights flashed on and started dancing back and forth. The audience all gasped.
For the second encore, he came back out to the stage, pointed across at all of us, and jabbed his fingers downward, ordering us all to sit again. That made everyone laugh. The second encore song is one of my favorite Ghibli pieces. Ashitaka and San, from Princess Mononoke. I'd heard the Japanese choir part. And to my amazement, it had been translated into English this time! I looked up the lyrics when I got home. The lines don't always make grammatical sense, but it captures the heart of the song.
No one wanted Hisaishi-san to leave. Every time he walked off-stage, the audience kept cheering. He came out and bowed three times before finally leaving for good.
It's been a good Ghibli year. I got to see the composer, and earlier this year I met someone from the studio!
Whoooo! I just finished the first draft of Arith's story!
A lot of it's a mess, but I'm amazed at how well the ending came out. Considering I only recently had an inkling as to how the ending would come about.
I haven't finished a first draft in a while. This is great!
For a few lovely years, we had a zero-waste grocery store. (Technically it was a low-waste grocery store, but still).
They had some produce, kitchen and bathroom items, packages of food, and tons of bulk bins. It was great. Kinda of expensive, to compensate for the insanity of rent around here. But I shopped there when I could, because our society is obsessed with waste and we need to stop that. I got to know the great staff, and it's the first time I really felt like a regular somewhere.
I know of a couple other stores within an hour's drive that are similar. You can get sunscreen and conditioner and other similar supplies in bulk, but neither of them have food.
Earlier this year, the store closed. I was (and am) so upset. We can't have a single zero-waste grocery store in the whole area.
The owner said that one day she hopes to open a bigger and better store in a less restricted location. I hope she does. And I hope it's close enough for me to shop at!
Something caught my attention while I was looking at a literary agent's page. They wrote that they didn't want books that featured a certain race of people, unless they were written by someone of that race.
Which I get. I'll bet a lot of what she's seen is white people butchering other cultures.
But shouldn't we encourage people to learn about other cultures? As long as they do it well and respectfully?
I definitely don't want to write about only white people. I think that's problematic on a number of levels. Especially considering the world my stories are set in.
Happy Thanksgiving! On this holiday of gratitude, I will give you a completely unrelated post.
Last month I took a long train ride, and wanted to use the time to do some writing. I finally decided to pick up Arith's story. It had been long-neglected as I went off to work on other writing projects. It's a far more complicated story than I expected. It spans a year of more with the characters, and there are a lot of characters. I'd left off writing just before the team was going to do a crazy game, to help boost morale. It's really a turning point for a couple of the characters, with their confidence. And their ability to just have fun, honestly.
More stuff needs to happen after that, but I don't know what. Instead of sitting and agonizing over it, I decided to just plunge straight into the finale. Well, not exactly straight in. It's a long build to the climax, and it has a couple peaks of varying heights.
At least now I'll have a much better sense of where the story's heading. I only had the most vague idea of the ending before I started writing it. But as usual, after spending that time with the characters, they've helped me see where they're going.
I've almost finished. I'm still not sure what to put in some of the blank spaces I've left through the middle. In the last, largest one gap before the finale, I wrote a note to myself. So I'll remember that actual content needs to go in there. What does the note say? "Something something something." And why does it say that? Well, it's a line from Nimoma. "Something something something, we win."
Earlier this year, I discovered that some Disney Princesses would be making an appearance at Sacanime. No, not people dressed up as princesses. But the original voice actors.
I'd never been to that anime convention before. It's kind of far away, and I didn't have anyone to go with me. I knew that Sacanime was smaller than Fanime, but that it got more big-name guest speakers. Sacanime has a booth at Fanime where they sell signed prints of some of these guests. I guess trying to tempt Fanime people to switch over to Sacanime? Because of that booth, I knew that they got Disney characters.
But this time, I couldn't resist. They had two of my favorite Disney Princesses at Sacanime. I'm not sure if I would have made the journey for only one of them, but two was too much to resist. Belle and Pocahontas (technically the singing voice of Pocahontas, but Colors of the Wind is one of my two favorite Disney songs). And as a bonus, there was Jasmine, Tiana, and Ariel.
I left early in the morning and made the long drive. I relied on my phone to give me directions, which luckily worked well (I'm always suspicious of letting the computer guide me - I've had some bad experiences). When I got there, I discovered that Sacanime is very badly organized. I arrived early and got into line. The line ran around the outside of the building, around two corners of the block. There were no signs anywhere. It was only by luck that after half an hour of waiting, I overheard someone walking by. They said you had to go somewhere else to pick up your tickets. Even if you'd preordered them. I would have been waiting in line for over an hour, only to be turned away at the door. The lady in line next to me was in the same boat. Luckily the people behind us offered to save our spot in line. Who knows how many blocks long the line was by now. Except there were no signs telling you where to go. Someone finally pointed us to a building ON A DIFFERENT BLOCK. Inside, there were STILL no signs. You had to go DOWNSTAIRS to finally pick up passes. What a nightmare. There was also absolutely no information about any of this when you booked tickets online.
We finally made it in. Who knows how many people were turned away at the door. Needless to say, I'm not impressed with Sacanime as a whole. Can you tell by my overuse of caplocks?
Watch me be really weird and refer to the actors by the Princess names instead of their own names.
I ended up in line for Belle's autograph first. When Paige O'Hara arrived, she spent a few minutes getting ready. The guy in line next to me had a little girl with him. He peppered her with questions, which she patiently answered. She said that two of her favorite Belle lines are "you are positively primeval," and "some people use their imagination." It turns out that she's good friends with Gaston's voice actor, and had been well before the movie. Which is awesome and hilarious.
I'd brought a book to read while waiting in line - a Tom Brown Jr. book about tracking. I held it up, joking that I related to Belle because I was always reading. Belle asked what the book was about. I started to say it was a book about nature, then mid-sentence I tried to elaborate a bit more. I ended up saying "It's a nature tracking book." Well, it wasn't a totally nonsensical statement. I'm better at talking in strange situations now that I've given so many tours, but clearly not immune to nerves when meeting characters (aka actors) I love. "I like beasts and books," I told her.
I'd never paid for an autograph. Not that I've gotten many of them. So I definitely didn't expect autographs to cost so much. And there were tons of different tiers of prices. It cost more if you brought something of your own to autograph, instead of taking one of the prints that were provided. Or if you wanted a figure autographed. Some of them had a full menu of different prices. Including extra costs to take a picture with them. How... complicated. And most of them didn't take credit card. By some remarkable coincidence, I had exactly $1 left after paying the cheapest possible price to meet the princesses.
I next went to Judy Kuhn. She sang for Pocahontas, but another actress did the speaking voice. There are several instances like that in Disney. It's confusing. I was kinda sad to see that Judy Kuhn's line was so short. I wanted her to be more popular - she's such a beautiful singer. But it meant that I didn't have to wait too long before meeting her. I was surprised to find that she played a version of Cosette. It turns out that I own the stage play DVD that she's in! I never made the connection. But when I went back and watched it, I could definitely hear that it was her. It's the most famous stage version of Les Mis (as far as I know, anyway!) She does an amazing job. And Jasmine/Mulan is in it too! Or at least the person who sings for both characters. She plays Eponine.
I told Pocahontas that I loved the new movie of Les Mis, but that the Cosette wasn't too great. From her response, I wonder if she misunderstood me and thought I was saying that her version of Cosette wasn't that great. But no! I loved her Cosette. It was the new one that I thought could have been better.
Then the lines were cut off, because the princesses would all be doing a panel soon. I wandered in that direction, grabbing a little bag of jerky (luckily I'd brought trail mix, because the jerky was the only food I was really able to buy all day).
I ended up in line for the panel over an hour early. After seeing the line for Kihara-San at Fanime, I knew I'd need to get to this one early. Which was lucky. And it was also good to sit and relax for a little while. I had my book to keep me entertained.
In the auditorium, they had a row reserved for people who wanted to ask questions. I actually had a question this time, so I got in that row. It was the front row, so that was cool! And as it turned out, I was the second-to-last person who got to ask a question, so it's good that I got there as early as I did.
The panel was a Q&A session. It's fascinating to hear their insights to the making of the movies.
Jasmine is the only one who sounds just like her character. She said that they had to change a lot of their script because Robin Williams improved so much of it. From the footage I've seen of him, I believe it. He was an unending well. An amazing guy. It's so sad what happened to him. I'm sure he could have gotten help.
For my panel question, I asked what it was like to voice act, since voice actors usually have to record separately. I wanted to know if they ever got to know any of the other stars. Belle got them to let her act with Beast. The two of them hit it off and became great friends. Which is so awesome. Tiana, however, was pretty much isolated the whole time. At least from the other actors. There are always other staff packed around during the recording sessions.
After the panel, I walked around a bit of the convention. It would be a little while before the princesses came back. But finally they did, so I got in more lines to meet them.
Jasmine recognized me from the panel (Probably thanks to my Haku plush, which I was wearing). She has a really pretty autograph. She used gold ink, and it looked like a tiara on the picture of Jasmine.
Briefly talked to Ariel.
Tiana's line was the longest. And it was so slow. I realized why as I got near the front of the line. Everyone was telling her what an inspiration she was. As I talked to the girl running the table, she said that now "kids don't have to grow up without a black princess."
"It took a long time," I agreed.
Actually, I never got very excited about The Frong Princess. I went back and watched it after this, and realized why. The movie wastes too much time on useless slapstick. And it has one of those speedy romances that Disney used so many times (in the words of Kristoff: "you got engaged to someone you just met that day?") That being said, Anika None Rose is fabulous. And such a good singer. I wish they'd done a better job with her movie.
She was actually the princess I most enjoyed talking to. She recognized me from the panel too and thanked me for my question. I thanked her for a great panel. One of my story characters is named Noni. I thought I knew the right way to pronounce it, but I wanted to be sure. So I said, "Can I ask the right way to pronounce your middle name?"
She said that it was pronounced like "no-knee." I was right! And her first name is pronounced "aw-nee-kuh." Not "Aw-nih-kuh." I told her that people say my name wrong all the time too. She said that my pronunciation made more sense than the mispronunciation. I joked that I was going to tell people that I had her backing. A princess says that this is the right way to say my name!
The lines took so much time that I could just do a quick walk-through of the convention booths. It was maybe a third or a quarter the size of Fanime. I finished looking around just as the closing announcement played.
A lot of the Sacanime staff were jerks. For example, I tried to take a picture of one of the princess banners. After spending almost all day waiting in lines, I wanted some picture to commemorate it, since I couldn't afford to get pictures taken with them. One guy swept down on me, demanding that I put my camera away. Pissed, I showed him the picture of a banner - no actors in it at all. And he wouldn't even let me take pictures of the banners. Yeah, still not liking Sacanime as a whole, even if they have some great guest speakers.
I headed out to my car. There was a booth outside selling ice cream. To my amazement, they had cookie cats. So I had to get one. It was really good. I want more.
I started the long drive back home. There's a bridge that goes over part of the wetland. Earlier this year, I learned that bats roost under the bridge. And to my amazement, clouds of bats were fluttering up from beneath the bridge. Cool!
Brandon Sanderson is the author of the wildly popular Mistborn series (and a series that I liked even more - Wax and Wayne). He's also released a couple of his unpublished books. One of them he had recorded as an audiobook. Dragonsteel Prime, which I listened to. He wrote it as his honors thesis. It was fascinating to listen to. He said that in hindsight, he was glad it wasn't officially published as his debut novel, because he still had a lot of growing left to do as a writer. I could see what he meant.
I don't think I've ever read an unpublished novel by an author that I'm familiar with. It's amazing to see how their ideas evolved. His writing skill was amazing back then. His plot/characters/worldbuilding were good, but they did leave room for improvement.
I wonder if I'd be brave enough to ever release some of my older stories that I've since abandoned...
Vinny, my la mancha goat buddy.Holy Crud, I just unearthed a gold mine for Princess Jade. I'm finally writing a bit more of their story, and I'm at the point where I have no idea what's going to happen next. Then Jade stood up and made so much of her character arc fall into place.
It's amazing what happens when Arith and Jade get trapped in a tunnel with no exit. They really have to put everything on the table.
You go, Jade. You'll do awesome things! We need you in this crazy world.
I have some books of sheet music from musicals, like Coco and Frozen. The music is always for the vocal songs.
What I want to know is why they don't ever have songs from the soundtrack? In fact, I can't seem to find most soundtrack songs anywhere. I expect that for obscure movies, but not for Disney movies and other big names. The soundtrack music is actually easier to find if the movie isn't a musical. It's like the vocals completely overshadow the instrumental pieces.
If I want to play them, it means I have to write them out myself, and it's a paaaaiiiin.
I recently watched Nimona on Netflix. It had been on my "watch list" for a while. But Nicole recommended it, so I moved it up the list.
I loved it.
I was at first excited to recognized the voice of the queen as Shadow Weaver (I love her voice). Kind of sad to see how short-lived that was though. I would have loved more of her. Especially since she seems like a really good queen.
I also recognized the voice of Ballister. My brain worked its way to Star Wars, and all the way to Rogue One. But there it ended, and I had to look up who he was. The pilot, of course! Can we take a moment to go to Rogue One and look at what Bodhi the pilot does? Bodhi risks his life to defect from an evil organization, bringing vital information to the good guys. He ends up in the hands of a paranoid radical, who has an alien suck on his brain. Bodhi then recovers from that, escapes an exploding city, and volunteers to help with ANOTHER dangerous mission to gather more vital information. He is a key person in getting that information out. But then he's killed in the process. Poor guy. Freaking hero.
So, as usual, previous characters help me get attached to new characters. In a shocking turn of events, my favorite character in the movie isn't the monster, but the knight!
Maybe because he's the one that befriends and saves the monster. (I like monsters, so I use the term lovingly). Oh man, Ballister gets so tortured through the movie! (In so many ways, including getting beat up a couple times).
The end was so stupid, but I loved it. And I loved the stupid debate about what kind of otter it was. And Nimona has so many cute animal shapes. I love how bouncy she is as a rhino.
The first time I watched it, I was so concerned for Ballister and Ambrosius's relationship. Ballister gets caught looking so guilty (like shouting about murder). Then Ambrosius frustrated me for a while. He seemed to turn on Ballister pretty easily. But that's not really fair. Ballister also took some convincing to see the truth, and Ambrosius didn't have someone trying to drag him in the right direction.
Oh man, I think every time I watch it, I cry harder...
I recently watched Dumbo with audio commentary. The old animated version. The guy doing the commentary was trying to justify the crows. At first, the crows seem like everyone else that makes fun of Dumbo. But to be fair, they're only reacting to the idea that an elephant could fly. Not many people would take that seriously. They go on to help Dumbo. Indeed, without their advice and help, Dumbo would not have been able to fly. The commentator says they're like father figures.
Which is all well and good. But that doesn't change the fact that the crows were deliberately portrayed with racist stereotypes. They could have done all those good things without the racism.
Yeah, the movie was made in a different time. But that doesn't mean that it was right. Then or now.
There is some beautiful animal animation in Dumbo, which I've only recently really appreciated. And some good messages too. But still, watch movies with your brain turned on.
A few years ago, I renamed all of the countries in one of my world. And I swear I named all of the continents too. I still remember part of the thought process of naming them.
And I lost the names! They're not anywhere with the notes for my world maps.
How can I lose my continents!
There have been a number of articles this year about safety concerns at the zoo, as well as the rampant nepotism. It's a big paper, and there's some really scathing stuff. But there's still a few big things I'm surprised they left out. And still, the useless director keeps her position (paying herself well over 300,000 a year, even though she doesn't do anything, and I've never heard anyone say anything good about her).
But people are still working at it, so hopefully she'll be ripped off of that throne she so abuses.
My brain has a very strange way of dealing with languages. It has an "English" switch and a "non-English" switch.
Despite the fact that I know some Spanish and Japanese, my brain enjoys mixing them up. For example, here's one I caught myself thinking.
Vamanos is "let's go," in Spanish.
And in Japanese, "shouka" is a suffix for "shall we?" So for example, ikimashouka would be, "shall we go?"
In my head, I made up "vamanashouka."
I'll also end up tacking "ka" at the end of Spanish words, because in Japanese that would make it a question. This is what I get for switching back and forth between language studies.
If that's not bad enough, I've also been known to pronounce English words wrong if I've recently been studying other languages.
Once I went out to dinner with some people, who at the time were friends. It was a Chinese restaurant, and I wanted to order chow fun. but when I ordered it, I mispronounced it. And everyone at the table jumped on me, exclaiming in disgust that I'd pronounced it wrong. I was so pissed at them. I like chow fun and had never pronounced wrong before. But because I'd been studying Japanese, it just came out wrong. And they all leapt down my throat, making me look like a total loser in front of the server.
I pronounce English words wrong if I've been studying Japanese. Let alone Chinese, which I know only a few words of.
I didn't mean for this to turn into a vent. But if I mess up a language (including English), this may be why.
After my trip to the Amazon, I got a machete. They just looked so useful for whacking through thick bushes. And it's handy for some types of garden work.
I was using it earlier today. Normally the machete would be the most dangerous thing in that scene. But not for me. I don't hurt myself on the machete. Instead I slice my finger open on the branch I'm cutting from. And it bleeds all over my hand. So if you see blood on my machete, it's not the machete's fault.
When I wrote the first draft of Katani's story, I didn't yet have any grasp of the culture he lived in. It took a long time, many drafts, and lots of research to go back and make the culture actually fit into the story (I haven't looked at his story in a long time though, so I'm not exactly sure how WELL it fits).
It was a pain. It shouldn't have been a problem again. It wasn't really for Ashlyn's story, but her culture is a lot closer to what I grew up with (with a few significant differences).
Then it was a problem again. The first draft of Evva's story didn't really include any culture. I know nothing will be perfect in a first draft. But culture should at least have some role. It has such a huge impact on the characters and world. I'm hoping that I did a much better job working the culture into Evva's story.
I only have one draft of Rinn's story so far (I've mostly been ignoring it because it's kind of a beast to work with, thanks to its insane timeline). But I think at that point I actually FINALLY started thinking the culture into the first draft. At least the basics of it. And some of my short stories I've written have been the same.
Let's hope I've outgrown the point where I have to work culture into a totally culture-bare story @_@
Though I will always have to study those cultures. And hopefully find people who can help me see if I did them accurately.
Giraffe seen from below
In Peru, I took a ton of photos in the museums, both of artifacts and their descriptions. That way I could look at everything, and then come home and read all of the information when I had plenty of time.
And as I was reading through it, I got some great ideas! Some of the signs had information about some Peruvian magic systems. The magic in my stories is largely based on magic systems around our world. So finding story ideas was an unexpected bonus in my museum visit!
There have been so many amazing sets built for movies. Like The Borrowers, where they made a kitchen, but everything was giant. Or Lord of the Rings, where they built whole kingdoms, and then had to remove every trace from the landscape.
(I don't think they actually built the whole of Gondor, but they built Rohan!)
I think most sets are demolished when the film is done. A lot of artwork and props get trashed too.
But wouldn't it be so awesome of they kept those movie sets? Made them into shopping areas? Or even apartments or something? I suppose they wouldn't be built according to those codes. But it seems like such a waste for all that amazing work to go to waste!
One of my current low-key long-term projects is to steadily go through my movie collection and watch the bonus features. I love seeing how things are made.
The latest is Dragonheart. It came with a whole little documentary on how the movie was made. And while I've always loved the movie, I now have a new appreciation for it.
I always love when writers and movie makers try to make things accurate. For the castle, they followed the historical information for the region the movie was set in. For example, the feast scene - where the king sits in a certain place, and he gets the "upper crust" of the bread. And many of the movie props are real historic artifacts.
Beyond that is Draco. I'd heard people say how impressive his computer graphics are, considering when the movie was made. Indeed, he still looks good even by today's standards.
But I never really realized how long ago they made him. Before Dragonheart, the only big CG beings were the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. And they weren't really character, but more scary things to run from. Draco was the first CG character, with dialogue and expressions, etc. And they did an amazing job.
For the scene where Draco goes to eat Bowen, they built a huge dragon mouth XD
(I ran onto some information that the movie was dumbed down some. Which I can see. There are a couple scenes that I always thought were kind of stupid. )
I always thought they should have imprisoned Einon. Then Draco could have been okay.
As it is, when I watch the ending, I go, "but he's such a good boy" TT^TT
This year's Fanime was unexpectedly amazing. I decided to be lazy and do my simplest costume costume: Chihiro with my giant Haku plush. The costume itself isn't fancy - it's only my Haku which makes it interesting. He does get a lot of love at conventions.
This was the first time in years that I was able to go to the whole weekend of Fanime. On Friday (the first day) I got there a little early and flipped through the program. One of the guest speakers was part of Studio Ghibli. Hirokatsu Kihara worked as a producer on Nausicaa, Totoro, Kiki, and Castle in the Sky. He was there last year, but to my grief, I missed his talk because I was at work. But I could go this year!
His talk was on Saturday. This year is the 35th anniversary of Kiki's Delivery Service. Luckily I got there early. Really early (almost an hour). Because by the time the panel started, the line had tripled back on itself and disappeared around the corner. It was packed. The whole line hadn't even gotten in the room by the time it started.
I snagged a spot on the second row, wearing my Chihiro costume, with my Haku plush around my neck. The girl next to me was dressed as Satsuki, with some Totoro dolls. Kihara-san walked past and spotted Satsuki. I didn't know what he looked like, but I figured it out based on the reactions of everyone around us. He reached over to shake her hand, then spotted my Haku. He patted Haku on the head, and shook my hand too.
Satsuki said that she was embarrassed that she'd dropped her Totoros on the floor when he shook her hand - she'd been nervous. I told her that kind of thing always happened when important people were around, and that I tended to babble like an idiot under similar circumstances (though that didn't happen this time - I guess I now have had plenty of experience talking to people. Or maybe it's because I kissed the Blarney Stone XD ).
Meanwhile Kihara-san was mingling with the rest of the guests. A guy in the front row was dressed as Kiki, and Kihara-san had someone take a selfie of the two of them, making the heart-hands together.
The panel was amazing. He was funny and outgoing, and had great stories to tell. He talked about making the movie, and had brought several sketches as well as complete layered frames. He was 28 when the film was made, and Miyazaki had put him in charge of part of it.
At one point, a baby in the back of the audience started crying. The mom (I assume) took them outside. Kihara-san ran after them, not wanting them to go. When he came back, he explained that animation helps raise children, and that baby will be no exception. Everyone cheered.
He continued on, talking about how they designed the promotional posters for Kiki. One of the drafts had Kiki sitting on a rooftop with Jiji. It was a side-view with her looking out over the city. Someone said that we should see Kiki's whole face. So Miyazaki made a sketch (which I was able to find on the internet, since no photos were allowed to be shared from the talk)
Yep. Kiki sitting in the bathroom. Needless to say, this idea was vetoed.
The final version took a lot of work, and did include Kiki's whole face. Their previous draft had Kiki looking a little more sad, but they ended up giving her a more hopeful look (and giving her a bigger bow, and tweaking Jiji's design).
Kihara-san said that they don't have conventions like this in Japan, and that he hopes to come again next year. I hope I can make it! I love seeing how things are made. Especially movies that were such a massive part of my childhood (and adulthood).
At the end, we all took a big group photo.
I'd never been to one of Fanime's autograph sessions. They'd recently redone the whole system. One of the staff kinda explained it to me before the panel. I followed the first part of her directions, signing up online. I would have to then show up for the lottery, where you get a number that determines your place in the autograph line. What? (That means that even if you get there super early, there's still a chance that you might get a late spot, and be too late to get an autograph?)
I had a bit of time before the lottery started, so I went to hunt down some lunch. I then realized that I didn't have as much time as I thought, so I had to take my lunch in a bag and dash back to the convention. I got in line for the lottery, and drew number four! Wow!
When it came my turn for an autograph, Kihara-san remembered me, thanks to Haku. He put Haku around his neck and I told him through his translator that I'd made it. We took some selfies (I'm so bad at posing!) I gave him one of the dust bunnies I'd made, and told him that I want to write the way that they make movies. "Never give up," he replied. It was a quote from Miyazaki that he had shared during his talk.
When my turn was over, I went out the exit door and found that there was a nice quiet corner, which are very scarce at Fanime. So I sat there and ate my lunch, which was really good. Every now and then, the door would open and people would leave the autograph room. Then one of the volunteers spotted me and hurried over. She said that Kihara-san had wanted to give this to me, but they hadn't caught me before I left. It was a certificate for an event on the following day. I didn't know what it was. The girl said that some of the Fanime guests of honor would be there, and that it would be like speed dating. This description left me very confused, but I was so excited that I would be able to make it on that day.
The next day dawned, and I return to Fanime. I wandered in circles for a while, trying to figure out where this mystery even would take place. Finally I found the hotel across the street, but no one there knew what room it would be in. I sat for a while, and eventually someone told us where to wait, and other people trickled in to wait with me. One was the girl who'd handed me the certificate the day before. None of us knew what we were here for, which was hilarious and mysterious. But finally we were invited into a room, with several other guest speakers from Fanime. We would rotate around their tables, talking to them in turn.
I started out on Kihara-san's table. We hung on his every word (at least after it passed through the translator). He had the original full-colored layers from Kiki's Delivery Service.
During the scene where the movie title is displayed, Kiki is flying in front of the moon. He showed us that the way they did the moon, it actually appeared illuminated when viewed through a camera. He invited us to look through our own cameras (though we weren't allowed to take pictures).
In a lot of movies, the artwork isn't saved once the movie is finished. It's trashed. But Kihara-san said they should archive it. He was put in charge of the project, and thanks to him, we still have all of these beautiful originals! You can lift up each clear layer, seeing the characters and different elements of the background. He took a scene from the end of the movie, where the crowd is watching Tombo hang from the rope. He peeled back the layers, showing the painting of the street beneath them. It has incredible detail, even though it's mostly covered by the people. There's even a manhole cover, though I wasn't even able to see that when I later watched the movie. These background paintings take so long to create, but last only seconds in the finished film.
In another scene, near the beginning in Kiki's house, he showed how amazing the lighting was as it came from different windows and fell on different surfaces.
One of the images of Tombo was signed by the Japanese voice actor. His voice is one I know well from things like InuYasha, The Twelve Kingdoms, and You are Umasou.
At one point, Kihara-san was moving papers around and one of the storyboard pages got bent. I pulled it back out of the way, having a super-nerd moment as I did so, thinking, "I'm touching the original art for Kiki's Delivery Service! (They were in protective sleeves though).
The city in the movie is a mix of cities, like Stockholm, and San Francisco. The Bell Tower is Stockholm, while the trolleys are SF, for example.
He talked about other parts of making the movie, like how Kiki's hair would move when she was about to take off on her broom, and how they settled on a sort of figure-eight motion.
I think we all could have listened to him for ages. He had so many stories. But then the call came, and it was time to switch to the next table. There were two English voice actors there: Kira Buckland, Casey Mongillo. I don't usually watch English dubs, so I wasn't familiar with them though. Though Casey did a bunch of Pokémon sounds! Now I want to go listen to them.
Next was a Japanese voice actor, Yu Hayashi. I have seen him before! Or at least I've heard him in anime. Mostly Haikyu. He's also done voices in Japanese dubs of things like Bambi, and Steven universe. How do I find those in Japanese? I want to hear that! When he saw my Haku plush, he said that Haku's voice actor worked with him in Haikyu!
The next table was a band called Survive Said the Prophet. They also commented on my Haku plush. I know nothing about bands, so I looked up their music afterwards.
And the final table was the author of a Japan travel book, Gilles Poitras.
Though I didn't know all of the guest speakers ahead of time, they all had fascinating stories to tell.
After the event, I was outside chatting with some of the other attendees. Kihara-san came out, and someone asked him a question. He talked about how important hand-drawn animation is. And about how digital animation eventually becomes mostly a tech company. Though there are digital animations I love, I think I agree with him. I told him that I was heart-broken when Disney trashed their hand-drawn animation.
Later in the day, there was a fan discussion about Nausicaa elsewhere at Fanime. The panel before it was about Godzilla, and was given by Kihara-san. I sat in at the end, since I'd gotten there early. He did another group photo at the end of that panel, which I also ended up in.
The Nausicaa panel was interesting, largely because the guy running it had some clips from Warriors of the Wind. I'd heard horrible things about it: the first English dub of Nausicaa, which they completely butchered (removing all of the environmental themes, for example). But I'd never seen any of it before - I hadn't been brave enough to search for actual clips. Though I had seen the godawful movie poster they'd made for it.
And later on, I saw Kihara-san pass by in a different part of Fanime. He was everywhere!
So, wow. What an awesome Fanime. All thanks to my Haku plush!
In my high school English class, we read a passage (I assume from a longer work). It talked about this guy, saying something like, "everyone seemed to like him. He'd bought a piano with the intent of learning to play," and so on. Then we were supposed to discuss that passage. And most of us were talking about this guy's apparent good qualities.
I think it was one of my friends that came out and said that the guy wasn't actually that great. He bought a piano, expecting to learn it. And never did. And it's not that everyone liked him. It's that everyone SEEMED to like him.
I think the teacher was thrilled that at least one student understood what was going on.
The analysis of that massage made me rethink how important the word "seem" is. It packs a lot more power than I had realized.
Golden penciled Hamburg hen
The Zookeeper's Wife, Ackerman
An amazing true story, based off of the memoirs of Antonina. She and her husband (and son) owned a zoo. Then WWII started. They sent many of their animals off to safety. Other animals were killed when a supposed friend lead a party of Nazis through their zoo on a "hunting party" where they murdered a bunch of the animals. Antonina and her family stayed at the zoo, having the property generate a profit by raising pigs and fur animals. Meanwhile, the family was using hidden parts of the zoo to shelter Jewish people. Though the zoo itself didn't have much in the way of animal survivors, it rescued hundreds of humans. And after the war the zoo was rebuilt, and continues today.
A Song of Wraith and Ruin, Brown
Wow, these are impossible to put down. An amazing set of fantasy books. Definitely recommend.
Alone on the Wall, Honnold
Written before his incredible free solo climb of El Capitan (That means that he climbed a massive granite cliff with no rope- Check out the documentary Free Solo). And read this book if you want to learn more about some of his earlier accomplishments.
Paladin of Souls, Bujold
Another interesting fantasy. Different than what I usually read, and I liked it.
Secrets Never Die, Ralph
This one had a very strange ending.
The Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, Twain
This was so different than other Twain books I've read. I want to say that it's much sweeter than his usual tone, except we all know how Joan of Arc ended.
White Ibis: Wetland Wanderer, Bildstein
Everything you ever wanted to know about the white ibis!
The Way of Kings, Sanderson
Wow, another amazing book from him. I can't wait to read more of the series.
Just so Stories, Kipling
I read a couple of these a long time ago. I think this is the first time I read all of them. A collection of fanciful fairy tales, from the guy that wrote The Jungle Book.
7th Time Loop, Amekawa
It looks like they made an anime of this. I definitely want to watch it, because the concept is amazing. A sort of Groundhog Day thing going on, though this focuses on a single time loop. The style of the book was a bit odd, though I'm willing to attribute that to the translation from Japanese.
A Pilgrimage to Guadalupe, Kriyananda
Some fascinating insights on religion.
Letters of a Woman Homesteader, Stewart
A look into how people lived while settling across the US.
City of Beasts, Allende
I didn't realize she did young adult books. I read about half of her House of Spirits, but it was too depressing for me. City of Beasts is a strange style - it feels more like a summary (House of Spirits was similar in that way). And the boy's flute confuses the heck out of me. It must be a normal concert flute, because he plays in a band. And yet he brings his grandfather's professional concert flute out into the Amazon. And randomly hooks it to his belt while climbing down through caves. How the heck would you crawl through narrow caves with a big flute case hanging off your hip? That being said. the concept of the book was very cool.
Legacy of Yangchen, Yee
Another set of Airbender novels. This time about Avatar Yangchen - the aribender Avatar that came before Aang.
Hiss and Tell, Brown
I enjoyed this series up until they started the timeline from the revolutionary war. The first book with that was okay. But then I stopped liking it so much. I don't think the author meant to, but it kinda glorifies slavery. I'm not sure if the writing just wasn't so good after that, or if I cared about it less. Though I did enjoy the first several books.
Dreams from my Father, Obama
I got the audiobook of this. It's shorter than the book, but he reads it himself!
The End of Fun, McGinty
I met this author, so that's cool! It was also fun to read a story set in Nevada.
The Yearling, Rawlings
I wrote a little about this in a previous post of how older books use animals. But I also liked how this book showed a slice of how people lived back in pioneer days (is this considered pioneer days? Well, sometime around there).
Susie King Taylor, Nurse, teacher, and freedom fighter
I also met this author! The book is based off of a real African American woman who had an important role in the Civil War. I wish there were more books like this, focusing on real people in history (especially people I hadn't heard of before - there are so many fascinating historical figures. Actually, I think the author said she was working on a series of similar books, so that's great!) The ending of the book became a little more like a summary - I wish it had stayed more immediate and personal. But it was a great book, especially because at the end, it had the actual writings from the woman the book was about!
Finishing the log of my Peru trip, we move from the Amazon, up into the Andes mountains!
There was one person from my group that flew out of Iquitos with me. We shared a taxi to the airport. Our plane seats weren’t near each other though. I had a window seat, but it was very misty over the Amazon, so I didn’t get very many good views. There was very little time between arriving in Lima and flying to Cusco. I made it, but no window seat this time. I craned my neck to watch the Andes through the window. Of course now the view was lovely and clear. The mountains are beautiful, with some ridges still covered in snow.
I had one meal since
leaving the boat (not counting the PB&J sandwich I brought from the boat so
I’d have a breakfast this morning). And my stomach’s weird. Maybe it was the
coconut? Everything else I ate was cooked. I thought the coconut would be okay because it' you know, wrapped in a shell and a big husk. But maybe not.
When I arrived in Cusco, I rode two hours down the eastern side of the Andes, to the Sacred Valley. The driver didn’t speak English, but he told me in Spanish some of what we were passing. I understood pretty good. Though I usually think of the best response (considering my limited vocabulary) after the topic has passed. As we talked and drove, I watched everything out the window. Alpacas, burros, and cows were tethered near the road, grazing. The tethers were usually attached to stakes in the ground. Some of the agave were flowering, with stalks reaching higher than the telephone poles.
My hotel in the Sacred Valley had a restaurant. For dinner, I ordered alpaca steaks with risotto. It was good. But my stomach meant I couldn’t finish it all. I couldn’t really place the alpaca flavor, because of the sauce. The texture was like beef, and I feel like the flavor was pretty distinct.
November 11 2022
I had a lot of trouble with the travel agency I used. It was the first time I'd used one. And it may be the last. Which is ironic, because apparently everyone else loves the agency. This morning, I was told I’d be picked up at 7:30. Which was different than my papers said. I waited half an hour, then tried texting her. No response. I was starting to get worried. Was I going to miss my upcoming tour? Finally the driver came at 8:15. I was still nervous as we drove 20-30 minutes back up the way we’d come yesterday, to the town of Chinchero. Luckily the group was there to meet me.
Our guide switched between Spanish to English, since we had speakers of both in our group. It must be hard to keep track of what you’ve said in each language. Considering how many tours I've given, it's fascinating to take a tour now. See different styles, you know?
We went to a shop and had a demonstration of how to turn alpaca wool into cloth. There was a root they pulp up and mix into water. It immediately cleaned the wool, from dirty gray to white. The lady demonstrated spinning it into yarn. On the ground were laid out several baskets with seeds and other plant parts. In each basket was a ball of yarn. It showed what colors of dye each material would make. It was an amazing variety, from gold to gray. And of course alpacas come in a few different colors too. One of the baskets held cactus pads covered in a strange white fluff. I thought it was fungus. But she scraped some off and squished it in her hands. It became bright red. Cochineal bugs. She added some of the other ingredients and made two more shades of red. Next we went to look at the weaving process. A woman was working on a loom to make a gorgeous table runner.
After the demonstrations, they turned us loose in the shop. I found an alpaca-print hoodie. After trying on a few, I found one that fits.
I had to use my first pay toilet. It’s not expensive, but the concept is frustrating.
At our next stop, we learned about chicha. Sort of like Peruvian beer, made with corn. On one side of the room was a little guinea pig palace. A literal two-story house in tiny scale with about half a dozen guinea pigs running around. There was a fence around it, which they could easily scale to have free-reign of the room.
For lunch, there was a buffet at the top of this fancy building. I haven’t been to a proper buffet since pre-covid. Normally I would have been excited. But my stomach was still funky, so I just sampled. But they had this pudding that was like hot, thick chicha morada: masamora morada. It was really good, and it felt good so I drank three little cups of it.
I sat next to an English couple, and we chatted through the meal.
Our next stop was Ollantaytambo. Old Incan ruins ran up the side of the mountain like steps on a giant staircase. We climbed to the top, taking a couple breaks for the altitude. The rock for this site was actually taken from the next mountain over. That means that they had to haul it down the neighboring mountain, across the valley, and back up this mountain. Some of the blocks are carved into perfect shapes to lock into place with the surrounding blocks. To shape them, the Inca drilled holes and then pounding in a wooden wedge. When they added water, the wood would expand and help the stone crack along the drilled holes.
Our guide showed us the Inca system of keeping records: quipus. It’s like a cord, with several strings hanging from it. The strings had knots at different intervals, and in different colors. It could represent how much of any certain food they had in storage, for example. Or maybe how many warriors were in the army. Specialists trained for four years to be fluent in the knots. But the system of quipus ended with the arrival of the Spaniards. There’s no way to decipher them now, because we don’t know what the different knots and colors stand for.
The Incan empire was surprisingly short lived. The first Incans were around the year 1100. The last Incan leader was executed in 1572.
November 12 2022
I left most of my luggage behind, because you’re only allowed one backpack on the
train to Aguas Calientes. A bus dropped me off at the station.
I had a window seat, which was great. The train ride was 1 ½ hours and 27 miles, down the valley and alongside the river. Some of the great river stones are strange and glassy. We passed a bunch of burros too. There are communities along here, but no roads. The people have to get their supplies by burro and horse. The train ends at the town of Aguas Calientes, which is below Machu Picchu. Their stuff has to come in by train too, including the busses. People also have to come in by rail or trail. There’s the four-day hike along the Inca trail. It must be gorgeous. But utterly exhausting too. If I ever come back, I’d like to try it. Though I’d like to go slower and enjoy the walk. I wonder if they allow that. Usually you go as a group with guides.
Machu Picchu is down the eastern side of the Andes, where the rainforest creeps up the mountains before fading into a drier climate. It’s at a lower elevation than Cusco, which surprised me. I thought it was much higher.
At the top of the mountain, near the entrance to Machu Picchu, there’s a nice restaurant. I was facing another buffet lunch. And still, I don’t really want food. But I did sample some stuff. And I found a beef soup that felt good to eat. I never know if the drinks have tap water in them, so I stay away from juices and such. They had chicha morada here, and I allowed myself one small sip. Though if it had anything weird in it, that surely would have been enough to make me sick. But I’ll bet they use filtered water. Machu Picchu is a huge tourist site, so they’d probably get a lot of angry calls if they were making foreigners sick.
There are a few frustrating things about the Machu Picchu trails. It’s one-way, so you can’t go back. There are guards all over the place, enforcing this. And they also make sure you keep moving. At least in certain places. There’s also no bathrooms, or anywhere to get water. You have to leave the main gate, and then you’re not allowed back in. They also charge you to use the toilet. As if you haven’t already paid for the bus and entrance. A couple of the areas inside have limited hours too– the sun temple and the condor temple.
But Machu Picchu is amazing. As we reached the top of the steps, we found ourselves overlooking the ancient city.
The terraces that face east are for growing crops. The stone forming these terraces would have absorbed the heat from the sun, and as they slowly let the heat out through the night, it may have protected the crops from frost. Terraces on the other side of the mountain are for erosion control, since they wouldn't get enough light for crops.
Machu Picchu is very centered around nature. It’s built along the curves of the mountain. And every building faces specific directions, to maximize the light they get. High above us is the sun gate. It would have been the main entrance to the city when it was in use. But nowadays, the only people that can use it are those that take the Inca trail. On the summer solstice (the reverse of ours, since this is the southern hemisphere) the morning light comes through the sun gate and lands on a specific part of the city. And on the winter solstice, when the sun first shines over the mountains, the same thing happens in a different spot.
We came around and into the city. Well, it’s not really a city. This was a religious site, so it wasn’t a place where normal people came to live. Unlike the terraces we visited yesterday, the buildings of Machu Picchu were made with rock from right here. They didn’t need to haul it up and down mountains. And some of the larger stones they left in place, working them into the walls.
You can actually see the process of how the Inca carved and moved the stones, because some of it was left behind while it was in progress. Like a big stone block that still had the stone rollers under it. The site was likely built from the bottom of the mountain up. They started with the terraces, to help stabilize the structures. If they’d started building from the top down, it could have caused landslides below.
You can generally tell what kind of building you're looking at by the way they built the walls. Homes have mortar between the stones to help with insulation. Temples don’t – the stones are carved to fit together with no mortar. But this makes drafts.
We saw a couple viscachas. Adorable chinchilla-like animals. They were hanging out in the windows of the ancient buildings, not paying any attention to us humans below. My guide said that in the afternoon, when the morning rush has died down, they jump and play around the stone quarry area. The first one we saw looked rather old and patchy. The second, later on, looked sleeker.
There were also llamas. The park looks after them, and each animal has an ear tag for identification. They seem to wander where they please, unlike most of the livestock you see tethered by the road. The llamas just look so great strolling along the terraces.
Right in the middle of the city is a huge open area. It’s the meeting square. People up here worked hard and partied hard. Parties lasted a week or more.
There are a couple stones that have been carved to resemble nearby mountains. And they were set up so that the two line up when you stand at the right spot.
The buildings are all missing their roofs, because they would have been thatched with grass. But they have a couple roofs they’ve remade, to show you what it would have looked like. The outer walls have pegs where they could be lashed in place. The grass would have been layered in a way top keep out the plentiful rain. And some of the beautiful stone walls would have actually been covered in plaster, and painted.
At the far end of town is the entrance to another trail. You need special tickets for it. There’s a steep dome mountain above us, and you can see terraces and structures at the top. It’s about an hour to the top, up an intimidating cliff trail. Two hours round trip. There’s another structure at the back, which has been closed since Covid started. But going there would be four hours. It looks daunting. But it must be a stunning view.
Machu Picchu has granaries, to save up enough food to get through drought years. The eastern end of the city was where the “normal” people lived. Many of the houses here were two-storied. The upper level would have been like an attic to store food. Buildings built to store food had air circulation, which helped preserve the food.
Windows are shaped like rectangles, but with a narrower top. This helps stabilize buildings during earthquakes. And the buildings themselves have this shape, with the two end walls slightly sloping inward. Many of them are built with pegs and niches in the stone walls, as shelves and hangers.
There are elaborate drains around the city. Gutters and even holes through walls to help channel the water during the rainy season (there’s a lot of rain, so this is very important). Near the exit to the park, there are a few working fountains too.
Actually, Machu Picchu isn’t even the real name. It's the name of the highest mountain above the site, and means “old mountain.” The other main mountain is the “young mountain.” No one knows the original name of Machu Picchu, because the Inca didn’t have a written language. Just those knots. And the Spaniards didn’t make much, if any, effort to save knowledge. They wanted to loot treasure. Machu Picchu was never finished. When the Spaniards started invading, the people abandoned the city. It was a religious site, and they didn’t want the Spaniards finding it. So you’ll see walls and buildings that haven’t been completed. They also took many of their valuables when they left. Only one gold artifact was found when the ruins were excavated.
Machu Picchu hasn't been fully excavated yet. Down below are more terraces, buried beneath forest. They’re steadily working on it. Though there’s an interesting struggle between the restoration team, and those that want to preserve the forest. Both sides have good arguments.
While I was up here, I ran into the English couple from my Sacred Valley tour! The two I’d eaten lunch with. Stumbling upon people multiple times in distant lands seems to build a kinship.
You’re only allowed in Machu Picchu for 4 hours. Assuming you don’t need to leave for a bathroom break. But I didn’t stay that long. I guess if you can’t double back or anything, there’s not much you can do beyond a certain point.
I took the bus back to town. The town is called Aguas Calientes
because there's a hot spring. I thought I’d check it
out. It’s a small town- I reached the edge in about five minutes. There are
lots of… interesting statues to draw the eye of tourists. Like a huge statue of
a guinea pig dressed as an Incan warrior. I think. I had
people calling to me to come get massages, or eat at their restaurants. Or at
the very top, to rent bathing suits for the hot springs.
Once outside town, there was a trail that went a little further into the mountains. At the top was the hot springs. I thought it would be natural pools, but it was set up like hot tubs. They had lockers to store your shoes, and changing rooms.
You shower before getting in. There’s a cold pool, and then several hot tubs marked with the temperature. Most are the same temperature. And there were faucets where you could let the hot water run over you.
Back at the hotel, I had a dinner
included with my room. I’m still not really feeling it with food. I ordered
trout, which was simple and sounded like it wouldn’t bother me. And a papa
relleno, which is like mashed potatoes wrapped around filling, such as meat,
hardboiled egg, and olive. And then the whole thing is fried. Delicious. The
fish was delicious too, as were the roasted vegetables. I haven’t been able to
eat much fresh vegetables, since it’s hard to find ones that look like they’re
safe to eat. Dinner also came with a side of mashed yucca – like mashed
potatoes. But it was really rich, and my stomach couldn’t handle it. I barely
ate one forkful. And even that was in little nibbles.
I also got a free drink at the bar. Lemonade, since I don’t drink. I went to the hotel front desk and asked if it was made with tap water. Whenever I’ve asked if food or drinks are made with tap water, or are safe for pitiful foreigner stomachs, people just stare at me. But finally I got a proper answer. The lemonade is made with filtered water. So I happily got my free drink, which came with a side of cancha (Peruvian corn nuts). It was delicious. Nice to have a refreshing drink besides water, or water with electrolytes (although the electrolytes I’ve brought are very good).
November 13 2022
There are different routes you can take through Machu Picchu. There are about three through the main city, and then some that go other places, like the mountains above. Yesterday we took one route. It splits before you get to the city, and each path goes to a different area. Though there’s also a shortcut you can take to skip the back part of the city. I suppose if the altitude’s getting you, or if you have a bathroom emergency. It’s kinda evil that you can’t see the entire city in one visit. Even though it takes so much time and planning to get up here.
I had to time it right. The sun temple is open until ten. But the condor temple doesn’t open until ten. My entry time was 6 AM. I got there half an hour late to try to get to the condor temple when it opened. I pulled out my video camera and started trying to recreate the tour I’d gotten yesterday. I wanted to record everything while I remembered it. Though since I took a different route, there were several things I missed.
As I was approachingthe main entrance of the city, there was a llama on the terrace above. One of the guards was standing opposite her, and she was snorting at him. As I headed up the stairs, I realized she was standing right on the path. The guard said it was okay to go, so I walked past her. She didn’t even care.
They keep you moving through the sun temple. I focused on taking a video, and kind of missed seeing it in person. Dumb. Oh well, I can watch it at home and see what I missed. Usually I don’t fall into that trap too much. Probably because I focus more on what I’m doing than on making a quality video. I need to remember to walk slowly while taping. And while moving the camera. It’s always more sensitive than I expect. But this temple is built to allow the sunlight in on the solstice.
By the time I’d gotten to the back of Machu Picchu, I realized that I’d misjudged my timing. I had two hours left until the condor temple opened. And you can’t double back to look at anything else. I wasn’t in a particularly interesting part of the city either. So I walked very slowly, just taking a video of the surroundings. Even so, I arrived an hour and a half early.
I found a little rock in the shade and sat down. I wondered if any guards would shout at me for not continuing to move. But none of them were around, luckily. I guess it’s only certain popular areas where they enforce that rule. I pulled out my camera and started deleting a bunch of blurry or duplicate photos. It would save a little time organizing them when I got home, and it gave me something to do. Typical. I’m in Machu Picchu, playing on an electronic device.
The temple finally opened and everyone poured inside. There are these two huge rocks spreading out like wings, and a smooth rock in the middle which could be the bald head of a condor. It takes a bit of imagination, but you can see it.
And so I said farewell to Machu Picchu. I started walking down the hill. I wanted a good hike. The Amazon hikes were easy, except for the heat and humidity which made them feel hard. The lack of humidity up here was a blessing. I had plenty of time before my train left, and I wanted to go on a hike by myself in the forest. The trail zig-zags and crosses the bus road several times. The trail is mostly stairs. Going up stairs is utterly exhausting. Ramps are far easier. But going down is a lot harder on the legs. Whenever I’ve gone down too fast on tough trails, my legs have been wrecked after. So I took the steps lightly. Which means slowly. One of my knees started twinging a bit, so I tried not to lead with it too much. Luckily it felt fine after.
There weren’t a ton of walkers, and most of them were going down. But several people passed me coming up. Most looked like locals that were probably used to these steep paths. I heard a group of girls approaching from the opposite direction. One of them was talking in Spanish, and I heard the word “gringo” a couple times. They came around the corner and saw me. The girl who had been talking exclaimed, “Oh!” And the others started laughing, mimicking her “oh” of surprise. Smirking, I greeted them and walked past. I wonder what they were talking about. I hadn’t caught most of it.
At the bottom of the mountain was a butterfly farm. I bought a ticket and a guide showed me around. There was a dish of hatching baby caterpillars under a microscope. It’s easy to forget how tiny they start off. Just specks. Then he showed me a row of vases of different plants. There were caterpillars munching on them, of several different species. They were stunning.
Across the room were shelves of containers, each holding a cocoon. Some of them had already opened up to release the butterflies. The guide handed me one of these containers, which held an orange butterfly with black stripes. Then he lead me into a big outdoor aviary. I opened the lid and let the new butterfly out. He collects the eggs from the aviary, and sometimes from outside (hopefully in a sustainable manner - I don’t know). It may seem impossible to find minuscule eggs in a big aviary, but butterflies choose specific plants to lay on. Different species have different choices. An example from back home is the monarch butterfly, which uses milkweed. Or the pipevine swallowtail which uses pipevine.
I continued on, walking the rest of the way to Aguas Calientes and trying to avoid the dust from passing busses. I had time until my train, so I went back to the bar for another lemonade. It was expensive, at least compared to other Peru prices. But in America, that would be a normal price at a bar. I hung out in there for a while, nursing my lemonade. Then it was time to take the train back to the Sacred Valley.
On board the train, I got another window seat. The woman next to me had just hiked the Inca trail. She told me about her trek, and I told her about the Earthwatch expedition. She’s interested in signing up for it. Then I found out that she’s written a few books, so we started talking about writing. I even pulled out my computer and showed her my query letter. She said it was good, and made a suggestion that I’d also been thinking of.
Then was a two hour drive to Cusco (I'm not sure why - I think the train goes all the way through). At my new hotel, the Casa Andina, the rest of my luggage was waiting for me.
November 14 2022
My legs were a little sore in the morning, but nothing bad. My downhill pacing was successful!
I had the morning free, so I went to explore. The first stop was the most important. Well, maybe not, but still. The chocolate museum. They had signs explaining the process of making chocolate. And there was a glass-fronted kitchen so you could see them at work. It smelled amazing.
You can’t really walk anywhere in the city
without street vendors swarming you. The pushier
people are, the less I want to buy from them. I had an idea. Mom did something similar
once, to hide a nasty bruise she got from a fall. So I shoved my ponytail under
my hat and wore my sunglasses. I hoped that hiding my paler hair and blue eyes make me stand out less. It maybe kinda worked a little?
On to the museum of pre-Spanish art. They had some amazing stuff. Beautiful animal designs, pottery, masks, staffs, metalwork.
I want one of these owl bowls.
One thing I’ve seen a couple places
is that they charge foreigners more for entrance fees. It costs twice as much if you’re from another country. I guess
they figure anyone who can afford to come to Peru can afford the difference. I
mean, it’s still not expensive. Entrance here was only 20 soles. 10 for locals.
So it was only about $5 for me. $30 isn’t unusual where I live.
In the afternoon, I had one last tour. They picked me up at the hotel and lead me to the Plaza de Armas. A couple people were there already. They deposited us in the Cusco Cathedral, where we waited. They rounded up more people one by one until our whole group was seated together. Then our tour guide started.
There was once an old Incan temple on this site, devoted to the god of cosmic energy. The Spanish took Incan sites and “gifted” them to important Spanish figures. They used part of the original temple to build the cathedral. It took nearly 100 years, starting in the mid 1500’s. The Spanish spread Christian artwork through the area to help spread the religion. And this cathedral was full of it. They have a painting of The Last Supper, with several Peruvian details thrown in. For example, the center dish of the meal is cuy – guinea pig.
And there’s an oval stone about three feet tall, which is an important Incan artifact tucked inside a Spanish cathedral. It’s called the K’uya, the god of Earthquakes. People come to leave offerings of coca leaves, and to touch it to get energy.
All around the original Cusco city, there are remnants of ancient Incan walls. And those walls are used in new buildings. For example, the hotel I’m staying at has an Incan stone wall alongside the lobby. And there are many others lining the roads. You can tell which walls are Incan, because they’re built without mortar.
The original old city of Cusco was
shaped like a leaping puma (an abstract one). And this site was the head of the
Then we headed to another Incan site: Qorikancha. You can see some of the loose stone blocks that
they use to build the walls. There are notches and matching pegs, so the blocks
lock together. Like legos, our guide said. The walls of this site were once
topped in gold. Which, of course, was looted by Europeans.
Our guide was friendly and knowledgeable. Having experience as a tour guide, I can relate to some of his behaviors. Like how he frequently counts heads, to make sure no one’s lost. Or as he said, “sometimes not all of the babies are in the nest.”
We got on a small bus for the next leg of the tour. Our guide shared more information with us. Like in Peru, they don’t say “it’s raining cats and dogs.” They say “It’s raining llamas and guinea pigs.”
We came to an old Incan temple: Q'enqu. On the winter solstice, the sun hits some holes carve in the wall, and illuminates the shadows into the shape of a puma head. The holes are the glowing eyes.
The next stop was Saqsaywaman. Not to be confused with “sexy woman,” our guide reminded us. He’s a native Quechua speaker. They don’t teach Quechua in schools – people learn it from their families. I only heard a few words of it. Like the names of these sights. I wish I’d heard more. This is one of those languages that uses catches in the sound, like on the “k.” When I tried to replicate the catch, I sounded like I was choking. I’ll have to practice.
Saqsaywaman actually means “full
falcon.” As in a falcon that’s just eaten. It’s an old fortress. Its building
started before the Incan empire. It’s an incredible sight. It took 20,000
people 30 years to build. When the Spaniards first saw it, they didn’t believe the
Peruvians could have built such a thing. Unfortunately during the colonial
period, people took many of the blocks from Saqsaywaman to build other things.
Eventually that was prohibited, at least.
Our final stop was another alpaca wool shop. They gave us a presentation on how to spot all of the fake alpaca products people sell. For example, alpaca wool garments feel cool, and heavy. Whereas synthetic fabrics are light-weight, and you can kind of feel faint snags from the fibers as they run over your fingers (compared to the silky alpaca fibers).
November 15 2022
My time in the Andes is done. I boarded a plane and flew back to Lima.I still had a lot of the afternoon left, so I picked up a map of the surrounding area and headed for a place several blocks away, called Mercado de las artesanias. But I was disappointed. It was rows upon rows of shops like the street stands around Cusco. All the same things. Well, almost. There were a few things that were new, or actually hand-made. When I first saw a shop selling paintings, I was interested. But then I saw more shops, selling exactly the same paintings. Are they prints? Or is there just some model people use over and over?
I walked back through the Park Central y Kennedy. There are tons of cats there. They must be strays, because people come to feed them. They look well-fed. And they’re friendly, letting people pet them. I took a bunch of photos of cats with the flowers in the gardens.
I’d been thinking about ceviche, so I asked the hotel about a good place. They pointed me toward Punto Azul, which was a few blocks away. I'd never had it before and it was delicious. At least my appetite was starting to return.
I wish I could have tried more
Peruvian food while I was here. But my stomach had other ideas.
November 16 – November 17 2022
Several blocks from my hotel was another ancient ruin: Huaca Pucllana. I circled around the outside, and stumbled upon the entrance. It’s an ancient step pyramid of hand-made mud bricks. They stack the bricks like books on a shelf. This bookcase style helps with earthquake stability. It took 300 years to build, and had been a temple to the ocean and moon, as well as a burial site. There aren’t any rooms inside it. Just the little burial nooks.
There was a little native garden in the back. I never knew there was a tara plant before!
They’re still excavating this site. It will take 25-30 more years. Although much of the site has already been built over by the surrounding city. It was originally 20 hectares. But only 6 is visible.
I still had many hours to kill, so I headed over to a big shopping mall: Larco Mar. I’d been hoping to walk down to the beach from there. But it was a cliff, with no visible way down.
As dinner time neared, I found I was hungry. So I asked the hotel if there was anywhere I could try cuy. Guinea pig. The girl at the desk looked on the computer, and marked my map. I was lucky, because that dish is mostly found up in the Andes. I headed up beyond the park and found the restaurant: La Tranquera. It was the most expensive Peruvian restaurant I’d been to. But it wouldn’t have been that expensive in the Bay Area. I ordered cuy.
They brought out this bowl full of
glowing coals, with a dish balanced on top. The guinea pig was on
it, just the meat, bones, and legs. I put a piece on my plate and tried it. It
was delicious. It could have been dark meat chicken. Except it was a lot
finer-grain. There wasn’t really much spice added to it, so I could taste the
meat. Other people who’d tried it said that the spices disguised the flavor. And
it was easier on my stomach than some of the sauces have been. The skin was
nice and crispy. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. But I’d definitely
get it again if it was cooked like this.
My flight left late at night. Once more I boarded a plane, and flew to Los Angeles. I disembarked, grabbing my suitcase. They had me walk half way across the airport, dragging my suitcase and backpack. I got to the next airline and stood in line. I checked in my bag, and they let me in. I got through security, and sat down at the departure gate. The last bit of travel before I got home. It was a good trip, but I was ready to get home. And I was tired from failing to get much sleep on the plane. I grabbed a yogurt parfait at a café, relieved that I didn’t have to worry about food safety anymore. And I thought yogurt might be good for my stomach.
I noticed my boarding pass didn’t have a seat number. So I went to the desk to ask. Suddenly it was a nightmare. The travel agency never cancelled my plane ticket from yesterday. Even though I’d been talking to the staff in Peru, and back in California. And somehow Latam Airlines had marked me as taking that previous flight. United Airlines checked me in and let me through security without telling me any of this. They sent me to customer service as the plane was starting to board. And it took them a long time to figure anything out. I was pacing and freaking out because I wanted to go home. I was sleep deprived and had so much to do before work tomorrow. And my suitcase was already on this plane.
After an infinite amount of time, she told me to run to the boarding gate. I ran. But they still didn’t know if they had room on the plane for me. They let me into the boarding door, but told me to wait. There was another lady waiting there on standby. I stood, taking deep breaths and trying to keep calm. The thought of several more hours stuck here was too much. The poor lady said that if there was an empty seat, I could have it. Especially after she heard I was coming from Peru, and that they'd messed up tickets I was supposed to have.
Finally they let me on. The other
lady would catch the next flight. Thank you. I'd had trouble with almost every flight on this trip, but this one was the worst. Luckily it was also the last. I made it back to my home airport, and my family gave me a ride home. (Though one cool thing - from the window I saw a strange reservoir in southern CA that was shaped like a dragon).
Days after I got out of Peru, all
hell broke loose. There was a sort of coup, with a power grab, an arrest, and someone else taking charge. People wanted attention for their cause, and tried to disrupt the
country to make themselves heard. All this lead to protests, suspended rights,
blocked roads, and vandalism. A bunch of tourists were stuck in Aguas Calientes
for a while. The government was in a national state of emergency. And the government that took over does not seem good for the people. I had good timing for my trip, but the normal people of Peru didn't. Best of luck to them.