

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Filling In

(Can you tell I'm trying to finish my "ten blog posts a month" at the last minute? @_@ Oops. )
I'm still re-writing my Ashes story. And tonight I arrived at the spot where I'm going to need to start filling in big gaps.
I've added a couple new chapters so far. But this time I'm going to add an entire new mini-arc. I think I really need it for character and world development. And also for pacing/suspense, etc.
I especially think it will help because two of the three main characters don't show up until half way though the story. Or over half way, depending on how much I add from here on... I'm still not sure if that will work well. Or if I should somehow try to introduce them earlier on with their own chapters. Except I'm not sure that would really help.
I know where the new arc starts, and I kinda have an idea of where it goes. So hopefully it will unfold as I move.
I need to rework most of the ending too (although I think the climax is fairly decent).
But now I need to sleep. I'm tired and I need to get up kinda early tomorrow. --_--
(But I got to help a little bit with shearing a sheep today!)

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