

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The World of Tomorrow

I wanted to say a few things about the new movie, Tomorrowland. It brought up some things that are worth talking about.

One of the first things the movie touched on was how, many years ago, the future was an exciting place. The future was full of promise, and we could only go up.
But today, there's so much fear and uncertainty about what the following years will bring. We have weapons that can destroy the surface of the planet, one of our main sources of fuel is largely controlled by people who are hostile to us, there's huge amounts of poverty, and there are dozens of environmental problems that could affect all parts of the world.
We don't know if we'll be able to fix things, or if things will just get worse.

They said in the movie that we love to use the apocalypse. There are so many movies and books and tv shows about the end of the world. We can't get enough of it. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for this fad.
For me, I think of these stories as a warning. And also as a way of imaging how I might survive is something this awful happened. But I doubt whether those are the most common reasons that people like post-apocalyptic stuff. Why do you like them?

My grad story is something like a post-apocalyptic story. But it isn't about the world falling apart. It's about the world cracking, and then regrowing stronger and better in the aftermath.
Because that's what I have to believe. Even if we don't avoid future disaster, I believe that we will be able to rebuild things, and eventually make a better future. Maybe it won't be as vivid as the world we live in now, especially for the environment, but I think there's always hope.
If we don't hope and work for a better future, then what is the point of doing anything?

The most powerful part of this movie was this theme. If people are focused on the negative world, then that is the world that will come about. But if we keep a good future in our minds, then we can bring that to life. Whichever one we accept and work toward is the one we will get. Whether you play music on the street, or plant trees in cities, or teach, everyone can come together to make a difference.

I liked the movie. They had a lot of fun with special effects. I think they went a bit too far showing off the technology from "Tomorrowland." (Spoilers) The main example: wasn't there a more coherent way to return to the world, besides going to Paris and using the Eiffel Tower?
Also, the fight scenes really made no sense. If the guy was trying to send robots to kill them, why on earth didn't he just kill them when they showed up at his door? Those attack robots were never once explained when they got back to Tomorrowland.
So, yeah. It could have been better if they weren't so centered on their fight scenes, and showing off their special effects.
But that seems to be the trend nowadays. This one at least had plenty of other redeeming qualities.
I would recommend it!

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