

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Log lines

Going along with the tagline post, we have log lines. While taglines are much about the essence of the book, a log line is more of a very brief summary of the happenings of the book. It tells you what to expect from the plot. And it is also a way to hook a potential reader into opening your book.
It's a description of a few brief phrases, that is very concise and interesting. You need to put the most important parts of your story into a very small area.
And I don't seem to be too good at this. If someone asks me to describe one of my stories, I have no idea where to start because a dozen things pop into my head. I could take a long time explaining how everything meshes together.
So I should probably practice some log lines. It would be good to have a briefer explanation of my stories.
I'll see if I can post some examples of these soon. I have some taglines written, but I don't think I have any log lines.

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