

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Evva's Glossary

After I finished that last draft of Evva's story, I wrote the glossary to go along with it. I'd been gathering notes for it for a while, picking out the unusual words, making a list of characters, and taking note of a couple world-building things that needed to be mentioned. 

It also has the pronunciations for the character's names. Because EVERYONE says Evva's name as though it were Eva. They are not spelled the same. And they're not said the same. Yet everyone goes straight to Ee-vuh (They sound like Wall-E). Evva sounds like the word "ever." But with an "uh" at the end.  

I kind of rushed through the glossary, because my aunt had asked to read my story. So I still need to straighten it up (and try to make it fun to read), but I wanted her to have it. She was the first person to read beyond chapter two. She finished just a couple days ago, and gave me some comments on it. She really like it, and she had some good comments too.

And of course, a few days after I gave it to her, I thought of a few things I wanted to fix XD

Though that will always happen.

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