

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Patchwork Plot

Sometimes I'll be fascinated by a story's characters, theme, or world, except the plot doesn't leave any impact on me. I have a theory for why this happens. And I developed the following theory because the same thing has happened to a couple of my older stories.

A writer has a really good idea for a world, or they make really good characters. But they didn't have any inspiration for the plot, so they picked one that's typical, or just kinda strange. 

This doesn't always prevent me from liking something. If I really love the characters, I'm willing to put up with an average plot. Especially if those good characters come with a fascinating world, or a fascinating theme.

I think this is a big problem with sequels though. The writers have established characters, but there was never any original "second story" planned for them. For example, Frozen 2. 


I loved the characters and the music. And I really enjoyed watching it. But the plot felt cobbled together. I watched the Disney Plus special on the making of Frozen 2, and they showed some of their previous drafts for the story. They even pointed out a bunch of those confusing things. They fixed some, but they did not fix all of them. 

But yeah. If there are other redeeming features, I will willingly ignore a few sloppy or unoriginal things in the plot.

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