

Monday, March 15, 2021

Keeping Old Movies Alive

 I love it when I see kids that still like old movies. (Old is a relative term - here I'm referring to movies that were made before I was born XD )

I found a cool replica on Etsy. I'm a sucker for movie replicas. I love holding things and thinking, "Yeah, I've got my own Tomorrowland pin!" or alethiometer or something. So when I saw a beautiful Auryn on an Etsy shop, I couldn't resist for long. I do like the movie, but it's also such a cool design.

Here's a photo shoot I took with Lan. He's got his cute little snoot poking out next to the pendant. 

(It's not full size, but I think that would have been too expensive @_@ )

Anyway, I wore it to work one day and a little girl said, "hey, that's from the Neverending Story!"

(Pause while I go look up what year this movie was released)

Okay, this movie came out in 1984. So I was kind of excited to see that kids are still watching and loving this movie. And then a couple weeks later, one of the staff also recognized it. I didn't know it was that recognizable, but that's great!

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