

Monday, November 7, 2016


So, my Ashes story is what I'm using for my grad project. The disaster that takes place in the story initially starts when a human-caused earthquake (from wastewater injection related to mining) hits the oil storage facility in Cushing Oklahoma.

Today my teacher sent me an article of a human-caused earthquake (from wastewater injection related to mining) that hit near Cushing, Oklahoma, doing significant damage to the town of Cushing.

Man, I gotta be careful what I write, I guess?
If it starts to come true.

In my thesis defense in about a week, I'm going to mention the manga series Coppelion, which is about a Tokyo that has been abandoned doe to nuclear radiation contamination. That series came out a couple years before the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
I wonder if I should mention this to. They probably expect me to add it to my paper.

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