

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Don't Follow My Lead

I wanted to submit an article to a magazine. I don't know much about submitting nonfiction, but I do know that you're usually supposed to write a proposal. That means you have to give your idea to someone. And if they like you're idea, then you write your story. But I'd already written my article. 

I knew that was true of novels, but I didn't know it was also true of articles. A few weeks ago when I checked out their submission page, I found that the only entry field was for the proposal. I think the gears in my ind jammed. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I was frustrated and stressed about everything, so I just threw out a brief paragraph describing it, and the beginning chunk of the article, and hit submit. 

Then I realized that I hadn't even included contact information. Which was probably good. Now whenever I get the motivation to actually write a proposal (to an article that I thought was done) at least they won't know I was the idiot that threw some half-ass thing at them. @_@

But I really don't want to write a proposal TT^TT I know nothing about them. And I don't want to research them, when I already wrote my article. I'll get to it eventually...

Do you think if instead of the proposal, I could just slip in my article? XD

Anyway, needless to say, this is a stupid thing to do. Don't do it.

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