

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

 I saw the Harry Potter stage play with my friend. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It's the first stage play I've been to since before Covid.

I'll be vague, but there may be some spoilers.

Every format of storytelling has to work a little differently. For example, this is the first time I really noticed how the scene changes need to work into the flow of the story. These were particularly creative scene changes too (at least from what I remember about the few other plays I've seen). 

And the effects were really cool. Like getting sucked into the book shelf. And the centaur. That was really neat. And of course all the magic tricks. And the dementor's. One descended from the ceiling right in front of us, and my friend got scared. 

Though some of the plot confused me. It might make more sense if I saw it again. For example, why did they need to humiliate Cedric? And I have trouble believing that Cedric would change that much as a result. And when they were helping to reset the timeline, why did those people submit to getting the dementor's Kiss? They just gave up and let it happen. And sure, they knew the timeline would be reset and they'd end up okay. But the Dementor's kiss is pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen. Why would they not fight it as much as possible?

Anyway, I liked Scorpius. Who would have thought Draco's son would be a sweetie. Not to mention a very geeky one.

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