

Sunday, August 27, 2023

My Beast

For a very long time, I've wanted to do my own version of Beauty and the Beast. I've always had the concept - the twist that makes it different than the original. And a vague idea of the characters. But I didn't have the plot. 

I never planned to follow the original story too close. For example, Ponyo is based off of The Little Mermaid. And I never realized that until I read it somewhere. Mine will be a little more recognizable than that. But only a little. 

I had just finished reading a novelization of Beauty and the Beast, called "Beauty." That one followed the original story pretty closely. I didn't get ideas for my version, but it did make me start thinking again. 

On June 18, I was lying in bed in the dark, and I started thinking. What kind of person would "Belle" need to be to fit the twist in my story? Well, she would need to be unusually familiar with large, potentially dangerous animals. And once I realized that, all of the main pieces dropped into place. I ironed out a few details, and more of the picture fell together. I'm still missing half of the plot. I have most of the relationship between "Beast" and "Belle." But if you take the cartoon for example, the other half of the story is the outside forces, ending in the attack on the castle. No one storms a castle in my story. But "Belle" and "Beast" need something to work together toward.

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